news Regarding notice | service transition recommended and elected member representatives to participate in shenzhen lions 20th the member representative assembly
news Notice | recommended on the 17th in shenzhen caring action ten love events, top 10 creative projects and compiling citizen satisfaction
news Regarding notice | service transition recommended and elected member representatives to participate in shenzhen lions 18th the member representative assembly
news Public | about recommended Zhang Guojun lions club international publication of the 2019-2021 annual international director candidates
news Notice | about recommended the 16th shenzhen caring action ten love events, top 10 creative projects, jasmine citizen satisfaction
news Notice | love caring action about the recommended 2018 shenzhen top ten events, annual promoters, top 10 creative projects, jasmine citizen satisfaction
news Peace poster recommended by Lions Club of Shenzhen won “International Prize” in Lions Club Peace Poster Competition