news Lions Club pledges RMB 250,000 to fund surgery for indigent children (source: Shenzhen Evening News A07, July 28, 2014)
news Lions Club of Shenzhen launches fundraising campaign for premature babies (Source: B15, Shenzhen Evening News, July 29, 2014)
news The Lions Club will continue to raise money for two sisters who suffered severe burns from a gas leak
news Lions Club of Shenzhen holds annual inauguration ceremony (source: Shenzhen Business Daily A09, July 28, 2014)
news Earthquake Relief We are in action — A Brief Report on Earthquake Relief in Ludian, Yunnan province by Lions Club of Shenzhen
news The first batch of disaster relief materials delivered to Ludian, Yunnan By Lions Club of Shenzhen
news The Lions Club of Shenzhen, Yunnan Ludian Earthquake Relief Vanguard Returned safely and triumphously — The Lions Club of Shenzhen, Yunnan Ludian Earthquake Relief Briefing (iv)
news Shenzhen Lions Club donated to help Leizhou Yangjiatixia Primary School project completed (source: August 17, 2014 Zhanjiang News)