news Chinese business Service Team: hold the inaugural ceremony of the 2020-2021 term change and the launch ceremony of the “Lion March road” Charity Tour in Guangxi
news The 2019 — 2020 Annual Tribute and 2020-2021 Inaugural Ceremony of Lions Club of Shenzhen was held
news Serving Peace — The 2019-2020 Peace Poster Award Ceremony and the 2020-2021 Launch ceremony of The Lions Club of Shenzhen was successfully held
news Gaoxin Happy Charity Happy — Gaoxin Service Team held the inaugural ceremony of the 2020-2021 annual election change
news The launch ceremony of “Shenzhen Lion Love Plateau Lighting up” was held in Charu County in 2020
news Love and Inheritance — The first step Service Team held the inaugural ceremony of the 2020-2021 term change
news No delay in the fight against COVID-19 — The ceremony for donation of the second batch of supplies for the Prevention and control services of The Lions Club of Shenzhen was successfully held