Ribbon category (ribbon) classification
Ribbon: a ribbon of fabric made by interlacing warp and weft.
Ribbon: to make a narrow or tubular fabric from a variety of yarns.
Ribbon and rribbonibbon products are two icategoryclearndispensable series of clothing ingredients in the textile accessories industry in China.
Ribbon products, there are single-sided and double-sidedclassification翻译, single-sided means thatclassification怎么读 the ribbon is smooth on one side, rough on the other side, double-sided means that the ribbon is smooth on boribbons什么意思中文th sides.
Usage: Generally used in jewelry and giclassification societyfts.category是什么意思中文 Examples of life often see gift box paccategory怎么读音kaging rcategory5e是超五类网线吗ibbon, ornaments shop hair ornaments on the decorative belt.
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