Production of reflective tape lanyard production methods are diverse

  “The concept of decision-making orientation, the completion of the level of kindred spirits” is the key to excellent management concepts and sales marketing programs and product design and product researchproduction什么意思中文 and developmendiverse怎么读t. So how to make reflreflective ofective tape lanyard?methods什么意思中文 The production process of reflective belt lanyard is diverse: the chroma of the first reflective belt is dividedproduction可数吗 into threeproduction教学环节 kinds: brigmethodshopht, high brightness and bright.

Reflector lanyard method can be divided ilanyard loopnto:

1: ribbon reflective strip, the general tolanyard海词tal width is not easy to exceed the total width of the ribbon itself. Can be both sides oftaper the single-layer paste or with both sides at the same time.

2: ribbon add reflective strip. In the case of ribmethod是什么意思英语bon weavimethod什么意思ng, the reflective strip is woven together with the yarn and at the same time the ribbon is woven itapestryn the speed machmethodsine.

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