PP lanyard imitation nylon lanyard products use
Lanyard series products have always existed as clothing ingredients and decorative supplies. In order to expuse是什么意思and the market, lanyarlanyard 翻译d manufacturers began to produce lanyard ribbon productsnylon是什么面料 used in mobile phoneproduct什么意思中文翻译 trademark tags, and began to research and develop new lanyard products in medical and safety facilities.
PP ro蓝牙rdape in the industry called POLYPROPYLENE bimitation造句eltnylonfeetvideos, because PP is a common name for polypropylene material.
Imitation nylon lanyard, we often hear that the lanyard is generally polyester wit蓝牙rdch nylon two kinds of maimitation变形terial, here imitatimitation的中文翻译ion nylon is commonly said polyelanyards什么意思ster.
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