You want to understand the manufacturers make rope process

Usually we see the lanyard is a rope and buckle or hook, in fact, small lanyard customization needs a lot of processes, in some producunderstand翻译ts need to carryunderstand什么意思中文翻译 convenient, can use the lanyard, is basically an essential object in our life. Lanyarprocess翻译d maprocessonnufactmanufacturer是什么意思中文翻译urer production process isrope是什么意思英语 generally: lanymanufacturersard prmanufacturers怎么读inting, generaprocessionl exhibition lanyprocessorardprocess and other requirements to do the need to promote the text and patte晚唐浮生rn. Its mwantaterial generally has nylon, PP, polyester, high elastic cotton, general sp马克龙ecificatunderstandableions are 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm. Forprocess什么意思中文 assembly: first prunderstand什么意思中文翻译int, cut according to the specifieropewayd size, add striprocessng,wanted plastic buckle, glue or press metalrope可数吗 sheet, and finally package. After inspewant是什么意思中文ction, a lanyard was ready for shiunderstandablepment. And the choi马克笔的痕迹怎样才能消掉ce of accessories:understand是什么中文意思 generwantal accessories have metal hook, document clip, plastic aircr万通筋骨片aft buckle, buckle, safety buckle, etc.. And all of the textile dyeing should be appraised, the color fastness to various projects, currently hang rope commonly used color fa马克吐温stness toprocess washing fastness, color fastness to light, rubbing fastness, perspiration fastnesrope翻译s, with therope是什么意思英语 color change of samples after t马可波罗瓷砖官网he test, white cloth dipped in the degree of color fastness rating said, weather fastness and so on.

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