Several advantages of pure cotton Dongguan ribbon, the following one

General real cotton dongguan ribbon yarn, are in cotton need to add a small amount of polyester, so that it can ha东莞农商行ve the advantages of usingribbon什么意思 pure cotton and polfollowingyester at tadvantages是什么意思he same time, easy to wash, heat resistance, alkali resistance, moisture, health, wear resistribbon怎么读ance, will not shrink, not easy to wrinkle, not easy to prdongguanoduce deformation, not easy to stick wool and so on! The key is to make cotton and polyester in proportion apure怎么读英语s well as fit the teacher properly! Cotton ribbon and polyesteribbon负载均衡策略r ribbon identification research method, respectively through the simple is to use fire to once, if there isribbon什么意思 a hard piece of polyester cotton line, if we all information ifollowing是什么意思中文nto ashes is pure cotton. The general use of pure cotton ribbon has what development characteris东莞理工学院教务处tics, let Kunshan ribbon wholesale xiaobian to elaborate analysis: 1. Hygroscopicity: cotton fabric has better hygroscopicity.. Under normal conditions, webbing can absorb moisture into the surrounding atmosphere, with a moisture content of 8-10% that comeadvantages是什么意思s intfollowing怎么读o contadvantages怎么读音发音英语act with human skin. Suzhou ribbon makes you feel soft but not stiff. If the ribbon humidity increases, the surrounding temperature is higher, the moisture content in the ribbon will evaporate, so that the ribpurestbon to maintcottonwoodain a state of water balance, so that people feel comfortacotton是什么意思ble. 2, water: because the cotton belt is a poorcotton可数吗 conductor of heat and electricity, the thermal conductivity is very low, because the cotton belt itself has the advantage of porousfollowing是什么意思, high elasticity, cpurean accumulate a lot of air between the material, air is bad heat and electricitfollowing中文y conductor, therefore, the cotton b溥任elt has good moisture, and the cotton belt people feel warm.following怎么读 3, hygiene: cotton belt is a natural plant fiber, its main effective compopurenent is cellfollowing翻译ulose, there are a small amountadvantages怎么念 of waxy substances and niseveral用法trogen and pseveral是什么意思中文ectin. Pure cotton ribbon by various inspection and practice, ribbonfollowing是什么意思中文 and skin without any stimulation, no negative ecotton是什么面料ffect, wseveral修饰可数还是不可数ear for a longcotton可数吗 time is beneficial to human health, harmless environment, health and safety performance is good. 4 heat resistance: cotton ribbon has good heat resistance.. When it is lower than 110℃, will only lead to evaporation of moisture on the ribbon, will not damage the fibribbon什么意思er, so cotpure是什么意思中文ton ribbon at room temperaturribbon怎么读音e, use, washing, printing and dfollowing是什么意思中文翻译yeing conditions have no impact on the ribbon, thus improving the washing and wear resistance of cotton ribbon. 5, alkali resistance: cotton and alkali greater resistance, infollowing中文 alkaline solution with cotton, no damage, which is conducive to washing performance to take pollution, st东莞理工学院教务处er东莞市ilization impurities, cotton cpureborn官网入口an also ribbon dyeing, printing and a variety of processing technology.

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