Tips for choosing high quality polyester lanyard

1. Look at the warp and weft: there are two types of knitted polyester fabric: warp and weft. Although both hapolyester100%是什么意思ve been heat set or rehighsin treatment, but its elongatiohighern and othechoosing怎么读r properties are still different.
Therefore, different styles of clothintips见男友什么意思g with different performance of fabricquality是什么品牌 jacket should choose and buy weft woven fabric is appropriatelanyard海词, because weft woven strong oftechoosing怎么读n have a variety of color yarn weaving or pick a variety of drug weaving, varichoosing怎么读ous colors, especially suitable for doing different styles of exquchoosing读音islanyards什么意思ite women’s jacket; Undergarments such as trousers and skirts should be made of warp knitted fabric.
The knittehigh的名词d polyester fabric is suchoosing读音itable for trousers and skirts because of its crispquality的形容词 appearance, colanyard photo翻译mpact structure, good wear respolyester100%是什么意思istance, less pilling and hook, and its plumpness, elasticitychoosing读音 and appearance appearatips手术的原理图nce are worse thtips介入手术an weft fabric.
2. Lotips手术的原理图ok at the gradpolyester怎么读e: knitted polyester fabric is divided into first-class, second-classhigh是什么意思, third-class and firquality变形st-class foreign products according to its quality. From the Anglehighly of fabric, the quality of grade A knitted polyester fabric islanyardhole是什么意思 naturally superior to other grade products.
3. Look at the appearance: the appearance of fabric is closechoosing读音ly related to thquality什么意思e fabric organization. Therechoosing a job作文fore, when selecting knittips啥意思网络wear, it is necessary to carefully observe whether the tissue is basic or variable, the gap between thequality加ify后缀怎么写 coils, whether it is loose or tight, and whether the feel is soft or rough; How about the ltips啥意思网络uster, color and pattern of the fabric? When using both handtips是什么意思英语s to pull the ftips什么意思网络用语abric, squality翻译ee its longitudinal or transverse elaquality变形sticpolyester翻译ity and extensibility, whether it is easy to change, etc. In short, it is necessatips怎么读ry to observe whether the fabric mepolyester100%是什么意思ets the basic requirements of the garment styhighwayle, so as to achieve the consistent andquality什么意思中文翻译 coordinated effepolyester翻译ct of thhighlye fabric appearance and cloquality什么意思thing style.
4. Look at the defect: thechoosing什么意思re are many defects in the appearance of knitted polyester fabric, and serious defects will apolyesterffect the effect of wearing. Sulanyard photo翻译ch as missing needle hole, mistips介入手术sing thread, hookpolyester100%是什么意思 wire, broken end, wire tension and serious weft deviation, etc. Lightertips手术的原理图 defects, such as oil colored silk, thick and thin silkchoosing初心, patchwork silk, network marketing knot scar, color flower, color difference, crimping, bad edge, reflection, etc. Although thetips什么意思 cloth witlanyardh slight defects can be worn, it will affecttips什么意思网络用语 the grade of the fabric. In a wordtips啥意思网络, when choosing knithigh怎么读ted polyester fabric, the fewer the defects on the fabrictips是什么意思英语, the better. In addition to other products, serious defeclanyard海词tlanyards什么意思s affecting the wear and use should not occur.
In addition, iflanyard 是什么意思 consumers choose to knit polyester outerwearchoosing the right, tquality翻译hey should also observe the quality of the sewing. Whether the thread is strong, whether the squality翻译uture is fine, whetherhigh怎么读 the eye opolyester的衣服贵吗f the needle is too large, etc. Generally speaking, it is better to use no. 11 needle for sewing knitted polyester outerwear. If thepolyester什么意思中文 needle is too thick, it is easy to damage the coil and cause needle holes, whlanyards什么意思ich will ahigh的比较级ffect the quality of knitted polyester outerwear.

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