Lanyard manufacturers share the daily tying method of mobile phone rope

Today, the small editor of the lanyard manufacturer explains several fastening methods of the mobile phone lanyard. Let’s see.
1. Double rope twisting, prepare three lines, the middle is the center line, the two sides of the rope.
2. Lanyard manufacturers share a single knot with blue braided cord aroudaily lifend thrope可数吗e center line.
3. Tighten the single knot.
4. The beige rope is similar to the blue rope, with a sindaily是什么意思啊英语gle knot around the center line.
5. Tighten the phone rope knot.
6. Pull the beige rmanufacturers是什么意思ope to the tmanufacturer是什么意思op of the phone rope, put the left ldaily怎么读语音ine of the blue rope on the top of the beige ropdailymotione, put the right line of the blue rope on the bottom of the beige rope, and then start the right upper double rope twisting.
7. Place the right side oropeway怎么读语音f thmethods怎么读英语e blue cord above the center line.
8. The left sidemanufacturer是什么疫苗厂商 of the blue cord is drawn down throught应用宝 the center line and outyingt of the circle formerope是什么意思英语d on the right.
9. The rope manufacturer promdailymotionpts to tighropesten the left and right lines.
10. Pull the blue rope upward, put the left line of the beige rope under the blue rope, and put the right line of the phone rope orope怎么读n the top of the blue rope砂仁图片. Frommanufacturers怎么读 this start the right upper double rope twist pl砂仁的功效与作用ait.
11. The right line of the beige rope is placed above the center line.
12. The left limobilene of thtying原型是什么e beige braided rope passerope翻译s down through the center line and idailytasks drawn in from the circle formed on the right.
13. The rope manufacturer sropeway什么意思中文aysropeway to tighten around.
14. Pull the mobile phone rope to thmanufacturer什么意思中文e top of tlanyard海词he beige rope, the left line of the blue rope is placed on the top of the beige rope, and the right line of the blue rope is placed below thmethod电影e beige rope, so as to start杀人蟹 the right upper double rope twisting.
15. The right side of the blue rope is braided above the centerrope可数吗 line, and t砂仁he left side of the blue rope is braided bphone是什么意思elow the center line.
16. The rope manufacturer reminds you to tighten the left and right sides.

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