What factors are related to the shrinkage of the rope?

Hang rope shrinkage is an important performance index of the lanyard, shrink refers to fiber after absorbing water wifactors什么意思中文翻译ll cause the lateral expansrelated什么意思ion of fibershrinkage意思 anshrinkage的近义词d yarn, yarn bucklingrelated是什么意思中文翻译 increaseropeways, shorten the fshrinkage allowanceabric length, thickness, drying cannot recover after this kind of phenomenon, hang rope shrinkage seriously affect his performance, hanrope怎么读g rope shrinkage main raw materials, and fabric density of the fabric, manufacturinfactor是什么意思g proceropewayss, And the thickness of the fabwhat什么意思ric yarn, so how do these factors affect the shrinkage of the rope? Please see the specific analysis below.
1, the fabric of different raw materials, different shrinkage. Generrelated和relevant的区别ally speaking, the fiber witshrinkageh large hygrshrinkage的近义词oscopicity, after soaking, therope怎么读 fiber expands, the diameter increases, thwhatsapp下载e length shortrelated是什么意思英语enes, and the shrinkage rate is large.
2, fabric density is different, shrinkage iwhatsapp下载s alsowhat是什么意思翻译 different. If the latitudishrinkage意思nal density is similar, the latitudinal shrinkage raterope is also similafactor是什么意思r. The warp shrinkage of a heavyshrinkage 翻译 fabric is greater.
3, fabric productwhatsappion technology is different, shrinkage is alsropeway什么意思中文o different. Generally spearopeskippingkinshrinkage怎么读g, in the weaving and dyeing process of fabric, the fiber should be stretched many times, the processing time is long, andfactors翻译 the fabrope的音标ric with large tension is applied.
4, fabric yarn thickness is different, shrinkage is also different. Tropeway什么意思中文he shrinkage of thick yarn count is large, and theshrinkage意思 shrinkshrinkage的近义词age of fine yarn count is small.

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