Three ways to judge the quality of mobile phone lanyard

The quality judgment of mobile phone lanyard is mainly from the following points: lanyard materials used to do mob蓝牙rdaile phone lanyard materials are mainly: nylonquality什么意思中文翻译 ribbon, cotton fiber ribbon, cotton ribbon, polmobileyester ribbon, PP, bamboo fiber and so on. The most commonly used is nylon ribbon and polyester ribbon,three怎么读英语 so here also mainly to nylon rope to give you an example of nylon rope comthree怎么读pared with polyester rope mainly halanyard loops the following characteristics: 1: nylon rope than polyester rope is aboutlanyards什么意思 twice as high 2: nylon rope than polyester rope smooth soft 3: wear resiways是什么意思stance is almost the same 4: Nylon lanyard has a little elasticity, polyester lanyard has no weakness 5: nylon lanyard dyeing is more difficult than polthree卸妆油yeways什么意思中文ster lqualityanyard dyeing to color nylon rijudgementbbon is generally woven first and then dyed, because the ribbon is eajudgementsy to tangle togequality怎么读ther when dyeing, so that there will be uneven dyeing and fading phenomenon. This seriously affects the quality of the lanyard. So when doing the lanyard, choose nways是什么意思ylon ribbon will be dyed firmobilelegendsst and then woven. This is a basic knowledge of nylomobilelegendsn ribbon, if they tell you they are their own manufacturers, youways can use this knowledge to ask him, t蓝牙rdcomobile judge each other’s professional level 2: hang rope fittings Hang ropemobile怎么读 fittthree怎么读ings are diverse, here are the same, and understand a principlanyard 翻译le, can also be a gauge whether products professional manufacturerquality加ifys do. The roundquality加ify后缀怎么写 bemobilead that matchs with mobile phone rope adds all sorts of material character, connoisseumobileemumaster是什么文件rs call section bead. The selectiothreen of tlanyard 是什么意思hese knobs is wide. Agatphone13e beads are commonly used. First of all,quality的形容词 agate has a lot of colors, such as red, black, white and many other colors. The transparency is also very goolanyardhole是什么意思d, and the price is cheap, which is suitable for many middle and low grade cui pei. Say cothree怎么读ral section bead again, color is very bright, diaphaneity is relatively poor. Red philippe, yellow philippe festival bead, transparency in general, color is not how bright, grade is not high, suitable for green iswaystogotoschool翻译成中文 not much, not colorful in the middle and lowphone grade jade match. So generally look at the quality of the bead can also roughly judge the work of the rope three: The phone part is the most likely to be damaged, so the quality of this part is particularly important. Judging the quality of the rope, it can often be seen from the connection rope. There are also some mobile phones connected by metal buckle, although stronger, but not as beautiful and convenient as thways翻译e connection rope. How to judge the quality of the connecting rope, because there will generally be a skin package, the naked eye is more difficult to distinguish, often need to feel the door. Interested friends can come to Iwaystogotoschool作文mkgjudgesift inspectionquality加ify的形式, more knowledge points we will expljudgement是什么意思ain one by one, the above is thequality翻译 three qualiqualityty juqualitydgment method of mobile phowayside是什么意思ne lanyard, more content will be updated later. I hope I can help a friend in need

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