I finally know why the lanyard is color, actually can save life!

Lanyards are widely used at concerts and other similar events, workplaces, schools, hos往后余生歌词pitals, and even as promotional gifts. Thlanyards什么意思ey’re usuaknowinglly used to hang identification tags and other trinkets.
In many csave什么意思ases, lanyards are made of very bricolor怎么读ght colors, especially the lab-brand lanyards. Do you know why?
Color hang rope
In an emergency, we have limited time to respond. The lives of many innocent people can be in danger, and only a few seconds can separate a fatal mistake from a safe escape.
So some enterprises will use the convenience of the ropactually是什么意思e color, with the help of the rope, people can easily idenknowtify and explain, especially in the chaos and panic take over the situation. Ucolorsing different colored lanyards can help determine the best exit route and easily reduce crowd chaos. For examplknowledge造句e, if your lanyard is blue, you must take the blue stairs. I李峰张雪四海集团f it is green, it must be green.know怎么读 This preve蓝牙rdcnts congestion in the stairwellcolor. In addition, it encourages gsave怎么读roactually是什么意思up members to stay together and even not往后余生ice if anyone in the gro文豪野犬up is missing.
Attaching a photo ID or list of identified diseas李锋张雪免费读es and allergies to a lanyard when a paramedic or fire department arrives can be very helpful. This is one of the best ways to ensure that aknow的过去式n unconscious pefinally什么意思中文rson gets thcolorpope right treatment. By knowing exactly who the person is, family and factuallyriends can be notified immediately.
Colored lanyards will carry those who are trained in CPR and first aid and are a蓝牙rdcn exit and escape route.
Use lanyards for increased safety
Lashing increases tissue clotting and increasfinally用英语怎么读es safety, espelanyard 是什么意思cially in situations where qknowledge造句uick response, time, and the rightsave me type of help are required. Lanyards can helsave是什么意思中文p people prepare and organize when natufinally翻译ral disasters osave怎么读r even random attacks occur. If you find yourself in this situation, you alrealanyardhole是什么意思dy know that first aid kits, ID badgecolors, and vests worn by trained person往后余生nel are the first things to look out for in the event of an accident. With the help ofsave的过去式 a lanyarcolorful是什么意思英语d, this can be extensave什么意思ded to almost any immediate need for help, treatment and safe access to a pre-established safe passage.
Small rope used to have a great effect, do not know if it can give you inspiration

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