Lanyard manufacturer tells you the matters needing attention when lanyard dyeing

With the market demand for lanyard is more and more large, the degree of use is more and more high, whether in quality or demand is also the same riattention翻译sing tide, at thetellsb后面跟什么形式 same time, the market for lanyard manufacturers of qualiattention造句简单ty requirements are more and more strict.
Today, the engineers of imkgift, a lanyardmatters翻译 manufacturer, tell us based on more than 10 years of production experience thneeding翻译atneeding help paying attention to these points will not cause uneven dyeing.
1, in the procematters和affairs的区别ss of prodyeing读音ductmatter什么意思中文翻译ion,tellsb后面跟什么形式 tips and methods need to be analyzed and evaluated according to the commodities, to ensure the effectivenattention翻译ess and rationality.
2. The rationality oflanyard loop the process formula before lofting (there is a big difference between small sample and sample, so it is not put into production).
3, strict implementation of the process, specially-assidyeing翻译gned additives, fixing color and so on.
4, before out of the belt first check dyeing after no rewind, pressure belt, belt to continue to the same version.
5, production and the first version ofmatters和affairs的区别 OK gmanufacturer疫苗oods constantly check, to ensulanyard photo翻译re that the bulk of the common and open version.
6, the production of small and medium-sized single more, and the demantellsd for production, raw materidyeingals are not together, need to hit tdyeing读音he version first.
7. The statemattention造句简单ent of superior fastness of the goods should be delimattersvered to tmanufacturer是什么意思he packaging workshop together with the goods to determine that the goods are OK.
8, before shaping, it is acknowledged that the fuffing effect is not common with the samdyeing翻译成中文ple, colorneeding的意思 difference, color flower widthwhen是什么意思 and other differences.
After the abnormal point idyeing charges presented, it is not standardized. It is probaattention中文谐音bly published in written form. New students can learn very well.
10. Improve the success rate of printing.
11. If the ribbon machine is notmatters和affairs的区别 enough, the rmanufacturer疫苗ibbon dyeing staff share one machine, which affects the startup speed.
12. The joint head is standardized to prematters翻译vewhen和while的区别nt the joint from being too long.
The above are related problems tneeding表被动hat need to be paid attentiodyeing翻译n to in the productineeding的意思on and dyeing process of lanyard. I hope it can help you

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