The working principle of the rope hanger

For rope manufacturers, the most important equipment is rope machine, rope machine is also called ribbon machine, is杭二中录取分数线2021 a kind of knitting machine can be applied tprinciple动词o bag杭二s, shoes and hats, rope, clothing and otherprinciple和principal industries.
So do you know how a rope hanger works? Next, I’ll explain it to you
Rope han杭二中树兰实验学校ger power source drive is driven brope翻译y the motor pulley rotation, so that the device components are quite stable, in high speed operation can effectively improve the common structurprinciples是什么意思中文e of thropese sprocket has broken and fall off the shortcworkingomings, buropet also reduce noise,hanger the rope hanger mechanism iprinciple怎么读s located in the side of the rope hanger mropeway怎么读语音achine.
Is characterized by pushing indirect correlation weft box and push rworkingod corope是什么意思英语nnecting rod, a former activities and activities after putting each on its e杭二中钱江校区nd propewayin joint almost at tprinciple和principalhe same point, thus achieve machine during actuati杭二中树兰实验学校on, the push can effectively shorten the radian of weft box swin杭二中ging and connecting rod before andprinciple什么意思 after the mobile distance, in order to prevenhangert the knit line was break, make the lace weavirope的音标ng, warp line fit weprinciplesll.
In hang rope the tail of the original derope翻译vice by adding a auxiliaryhangers shaft, shaft above place after that weave the lace shape can be around the first auxiliary shaft after the upper, then wrap to a shaft, in order to increas杭二中e the friction coeropewayfficient of contact surface, thus achieve hang ropworkinge machine in warp and weft weaving, the weaving forming at the beginropeskippingniprinciple怎么读ng of the front strap can be leveling oropewayut, to maintain the stability of weave density.
The operarope是什么意思英语tion structure of the rope hanger is an important part of the machine, which plays an important role in the normal operation and stability of the machineprinciples.
Although called rope machine, buropeway怎么读语音t can be applied far more than rope, not only by the favor of rope manufacturers, all kinds of knitting industry can be used, can be said to be arope怎么读 very practical machine

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