2019 Shennongjia Forest Cross-country Running Medal
. . . . Shennongjia, it sounds mysterious place, this time of year it will come to a large number of finisher inexplicable! It seems in the tradition of the historic Salt Road salt bitterness husband. But after all the past histocountry翻译ry, without femedallion是什么轮胎ar of hardships神农架旅游攻略自驾游, dmedalsifficulties and the spirit of the line will last foshennongjiarever, this belief is that this group of contestants from the ishennongjianside out.
. . . nbmedallion是什么轮胎sp; . for the concountryside是什么意思中文testants is to finish the race medals in the medal above rubrunningman最搞笑的几期排名bing thecrosses back, it seems like a tough old salt husband were walking in Sichuacross什么意思n, Hubei and weight-bearing salt trade route, but alcountrysideso players such as ancient salt trail husband of salt in general, even if we have hardships, will overcome one by one, came the wait, hero triumphant return!
. . . . custom-made piecrunning怎么读e of medal is very cultural significance, but with a historical flavor of bump texture on the engravforest韩剧ing around the entire medal meaning full.
. . . . is that ownership and set foot on the ancient salt husband神农架旅游攻略, spreading the solcrossesution Sichuan, Hubei and ancient Salt Road hardships that period of history.
. . . . night comes, unconsciously, participants have insisted for a long time, finally heard heavy footstrunningeps and applause, greeted, triumphant return Finisher! En神农架野人d hung medals race atcrossdresser日本 that moment, in others it seems, that moment is great honor, but experienced what only you know!
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