Wonderful driver uses home makeup mirror to make the vehicle rearview mirror traffic police illegal

Recently, a black private car in Lijiang brightened many netizens! The left rear view mirror on the car is self-made
– Fixed by a home makeup mirror, fixed with a transparent tape and a black rubber band . [123 After the thing, shomeome people screamed the driver‘s wit,driver and there were many netizens questioned that such rear view mirrors were not conducive to driving safety. Mr. Yao, who released the picture, told reporterrearview mirror是什么意思s trearview windowhat this scene is
Japanewonderful怎么读英语se morning 8 Hrearviewmirror多少钱alf of him, he saw the traffic lights such asrearviewmirror多少钱 themirror intersection of the Danqi, Lijiang City. “ At that tihome键怎么调出来me, the left rear mirror o马克吐温f the car was actually homemade,mirrors but also used a blue-smakeupforever美妆学院helf, the old makeup mirror, I feel toomakeupmaster游戏下载 good, too funny. “ should not be illegal, but irregular ”
, “ Tmirrorlinkhis like a tire broken, thome键在哪emporarilwonderful是什么意思y replaced with a spare tire ” , “[123 ] The driver’s emergencdriver怎么读英语y abilmakeupity is good, if irearviewmirror多少钱t is a tehomepodmporary unwonderfulderstanding, but still to find tdriver音标he repair shop processing. “ Netizen published this magical rear view mirror Differenhome键怎么调出来t views. Indriver音标 this regause是什么词性rd, the police of tvehicle医学英语he city briwonderful是什么意思gausesthtodosth是什么意思de of the Lijiang City Traffic Police Detachment said it is illegal. “Road Traffic Safety Law” 2driver1 Before the drivedriver的动词r drdriver的动词iving the road ohome键是什么意思n the road, the safety and technical perrearview怎么读formance of the motor vewonderful怎么读hicle should be carefully inspected, and the sdriver是什么意思afety facilitiesdriver音标 may not be driven. Machine does nmirrorsot meet technical standards such as technical standards. If we find similarrearview traffic violatiowonderfullyns, we can fines according to remakeuplevant regulations
50 yuan or warning penalties, of course The safe travel is the mosthome important. A 4S The store staff is also said, The driver passedvehicles翻译 the car rear view mirror, whether the observatorial car came to the car, overtaking, etc., Rear view mirrorwonderful的比较级和最高级 is not small in safe driving. ” .

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