Metal badge surface metal etching pretreatment process -IMK gift LAPEL PIN badge factory

Etching is metalBadge customizationOne of the processing processes, etching is corrosion, also known as photochemical corrosion, refers to through exposure plate making, development, will be corroded area of the protective film removal, in the etching contact chemical solution, to dissolve the corrosion effect, the formation of concave and convex or hollow molding effect. It is important to note that there are four matters to be dealt with before the etching of metal badges. Let’s take a look.

Badge customization

1. Remove oil from the surface

After the metal workpiece is processed, transported and stored, the surface is covered with different processing oil or anti-rust grease, etc., it must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise when brushing corrosion resistant paint, the adhesion between the paint and the non-etched metal part is not good, the paint film soaked in the etching solution will bubble or break, so that the surface should not be etched by corrosion damage. In addition, if the oil on the surface of the part that needs to be etched is not cleaned, the oil stain will affect the contact between the etching solution and the metal, so that the dissolution of the etched part is not uniform, and even some places can not be dissolved and affect the effect and quality of metal etching.

2. Surface rust removal and film removal

Rust and oil are common dirt on the metal surface. This is because the metal surface is in contact with oxygen, sulfur and moisture in the air during processing, transportation or storage, and it is easy to generate oxide film or rust layer. If the rust layer or film layer is not completely removed before etching, it will affect the effect and quality of etching. The quality of the protective layer of the etched part is not guaranteed. The surface of the etched part cannot fully contact with the etching solution due to the obstruction of the oxide film, which affects the speed of metal dissolution and the uniformity of the etching surface. If there is thick rust or a thick oxide film on the etched metal surface, it should be removed by acid etching or lye immersion. Electrolysis method is more thorough, can be selected according to the situation. In the case of thin film or rust layer, weak or short electrolytic etching can be considered.

3. Surface polishing

The finish of metal etching surface has a large influence on etching. When the surface is rough, it is difficult to remove the etched part of the etched part because the surface is rough and the etched marks are rough, so before etching, the metal surface should be polished. According to the situation and the requirements of the product, the polishing scheme and selection method can be developed.

4, coated with corrosion resistant protective layer

Etched metal ornaments are generally divided into etched parts and parts that do not need to be etched. For example, to etch a metal plaque with words, if the words need to be protruded, the glyphs of the words should be protected by corrosion resistant protective paint, corrosion dissolution without words. If words are to be engraved on a metal plate, they are concave. The type should be exposed and the non – text parts protected with an corrosion resistant layer before being put into the etching solution.

Corrosion resistant metal etching protection materials are generally selected corrosion resistant solution of organic coatings or ink. The corrosion resistant coating chosen should be able to be completely dissolved in some solvent, because the coating must be dissolved after etching. Therefore, the corrosion resistant protective coating selected in chemical etching must be etch-resistant solution and after the completion of etching can be solvent or chemical solution removed organic coating, the coating used in electrolytic etching must also have good insulation performance.

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