Notice | about international lions at the 104th annual meeting of the international registration notice

Dear Lion friend,
Lions International’s 104th Annual convention will be held on 26-28 June 2022 in Montreal, Canada. Each year, more than 20,000 lions gatregistration翻译her aroundannual的名词 the world to celebrateregistration form the convention and have the opportunity to interact personally with international leaders and representatives from headquregistration怎么读arters. The Lion Association of China suinternationally歌曲ggests that lion lovers in all regions sign up forlions怎么读 the annual conference volannuallyuntarily after fully considering the travel difficultinotice的形容词es and economic losses causelions英语怎么读d by the epiinternationally歌曲demic prevention and control.
In order to celebrainternational是什么意思te the event and experience lions culture, lions club members are invited to attend the 104th Lions Club International Convention held in Montreal, Canada. The registration details are as follows:
I. Registration fenotice翻译e
The registration work will be organized by the association, and the registration fee will be remitted to the Domestic Lion Association and will not be rnotice过去式efunded. Considering the recent fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate and overseas reminternational英语ittance fee, th桃花源记e registratiomeetingtencentcomn fee, hotel booking fee andregistrationfailed什么意思 other related fees of this round shall be clions翻译onverted into RMB at the exchange rate of 1:6.44 and remitted to the federation account. The exchange rate shall include the bank transfer service fee.
The rregistration动词egistration is organized by the federation. Registration is required for all lions attending the 104th annual Convention. The registration fee is the admission fee for the annual event. After registration, you can receiabout怎么读ve an official nameplate, commemorative medal, official program and an international performance ticket at the convention venue. You can participate in the international parade, institute, general assemblyannual怎么读 and lion productregistration的动词形式s exhibition.
The first batch of regist桃花源记ratregistration的动词形式ions (2021 & NBSP; Before December 30th), the registration fee is $175 / perinternationalcupidson (1127 YUAN)
Registration fee for family members aged 17 and below is $20 per peannual翻译rson (equivalent to RMB129)
2. Ticketed activities are optional for the annual conferennotice的形容词ce
The name of the event | Event date and time | cost |
Mervyn Chung Members’ Luncheonotice作文n | June 26, 2022 (Sunday) 12:30-14:30 | $75 per person (Equivalemeetingtencentcomnt to 483 RMB Yuan) |
Banquet of former International Prregistration翻译esident/former Internameetingyou是什么意思tional Directormeetingtencentcom/Presiregistration formdent/fannuallyormenotice是什么意思r president | June 27, 2022 (Monday) 20:00-22:00 | $125 per person (Eregistration翻译quivalent to RMB 805) |
Dragon Night dinner | To be determined | To be determined |
Hotel reservation
Lions Club international proregistrationvides hotel reservatithinon service, slion是什么意思中文翻译tanlion是什么意思中文翻译dard and single room deposit is 200 USD/room (1288 YUAN), suite dnotice的形容词eposit is 350 USD/room (2254 yuan). The deposit will bnotice的固定搭配e deducted from the hotel bill when you check out. LE SQUARE PHILLthinIPS HOTEL is tregistration formhe HOTEL lions Club International intends to assign to lions Cluregistrationb members.
Every hotel room booked must have at least one adult who has paid the regismeeting的音标tration fee. Room reservation minimum 2 nights, early cnotice是什么意思heck-out will be subject to penalty. If you fail to check in on time, you will lose the reserved room and the pre-aboutcgpaidinternationalcupid deposiinternationally歌曲t, and the pre-陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿paid deposiregistrationt cannot be transferred to another room. Participants are responsible for paying the room fmeeting翻译ee, taxes and miscellaneous fees aftlions翻译中文er deducting the deposit. Due to the shortage of room for the annuabouttime免费观看al meeinternational缩写ting, it is recomm退婚后大佬她又美又飒ended that lion friends book rooms in advance. The final hotel for lion friends after booking stlions英语怎么读ill needs to be determined after the communication between the Domnotice翻译estic lion association and the international Federation.
Lion frie童话故事nds who need to book the hotel shouinternationalworkers’day怎么读ld submit the reg童话故事iabout是介词吗stration fee and hotel deposiinternational labour day翻译t to the district office before 12:00am on December 15, 2021 (Wednesday). Please submit the registration fee to the district office before 12:00am on December 30, 2021 (Thursday). Please fill in the registration Form for t褪黑素he 104th Lions Club International Convention (Attachment 6) and send it to szmeeting怎么读英语lionsmr@notice用法
Iv. Payment melionsgatethod
Registration feeabout是什么意思 should be paid to t童话故事he Lions Club office in Shenzhen. You can pay by cash or credit card, wechat pay to “Huashi Onlineinternationalcupid“, or by tranotice的形容词nsfer to the fol同花顺lowilionsgateng account:
Account name: Shenzhen Lions Club
Bank name: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shennan Middle Road Branch
Account num桃花源记ber: 79130155260000178
Please indicate the name of the sign-up, the service team anlions怎么读d note “fee of the 104th International Convention” when transferring money. If you neeannual同义词d to reserve a hotel, please specify the room桃花源记,lionsgate room type requirements “singllions读音e room/standardabout-face room/suite”. After the transfer, please send the bank slip and the registration form to, and contact Peng Li, treasurer of Sregistrationfailed什么意思henzhen Lions Club office 25688519 to confirm the receipt of the payment.
V. Registrationannual的名词 contact person
Registration contact: Ke Shenmei, tel: 25689752
Financial contact person: Peng Liregistrationfailed什么意思, tel: 25688519
Email address:
Welcome shenzhen lion friends to reinternational缩写gister!
Annex 1: Schedule of activities for the 104th International Lions Club Convention (tentativ同花顺e).pdf
Annex 2: Delegation Hotel allocatiregistration怎么读on form. PDF
Attachment 3: Hotel price list. PDF
Attachmentannual是什么意思 4: Hotel maplionsgate.pdf
Annex 5: Room demand table. XLS
Appendiregistration是什么意思中文翻译x 6: Registration fo陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿rm for lions 104th Convention docx
Shenzhen Lions Club 2021-2022 & NBSP; &annual的名词nbsp;
Chairman of the commilion是什么意思中文翻译ttee of the International and Chinese Lions Federation annual Conference: Dong Shige
Executive Chairaboutmen: Zhan Wenli, Zhang Jinlian, Xu Binnoticedgnan, Zhenmeeting是什么意思g Cuirong
November 23,annually 2021 & NBSP;

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