Shenzhen Lions Club 2021-2022 International certified lion Guide Training and Guide Seminar was successfully held

From December 17 to 18, 2021, the 2121-2022 Lions Club Shenzhen International Certified Lion Guide Training and Guide Seminar was succesinternational英语sfully held in Yating Bay Ilions的音标nternational Hotel, Yantian District, Shenzhen. A tlionsotalinternational labour day翻译 of 67 c深圳风险等级urrent or fointernationally歌曲rmer capt深圳大学ains from various servi圭的拼音ce tlions的音标eams participated in theclub翻译 training aninternational翻译d successfully completed their courses.


Zheng Degang, vice Presideninternational怎么读t of Chinese Lions Association in 2021-club翻译2023; Su Zeranlions读音, former supervisor; Guo Yongyong, president of Shenzhen Lions Club in 2021-2022; Peng Daojian, first vice Presiguide是什么意思dent; Nie Xiangdoncertified是什么牌子g, second Vice President; Xie Jianwlions读音en, founding President and Distclub怎么读rict Director; Weng Hua, Wanclub是什么意思g Jinlian深圳天气g, former presidentinternational缩写s; Tan Fei, General Manager; Zhao Hui, Executive Deputy Secretary general; Deputy secretary General Li Chunchang, Li Li, regional chairman Wu Jinzhi, Li Xiaofeng, Lian Chuhai, regional chairman Lin Xiaoyi, Yu Fangfei, Guo Liang, Jin Qian, Fei J深圳风险等级un, Lv Guiqin, supervisors Zhu Feng,归德侯府 Wu Zhijian, Huang Shaofang,international member of the Organiza深圳tion and Construction Committee of the Domestic Lion Association, General cclubmed官网预订onsultant of the Lclubion Guide Group Li Feng, Guide the lion of the new fan ouyang, community service committee chairman Wei Xin, branccertified怎么读h head Jiang Xiezhen, group heclubsad of JiYing, lion friend care committee chairman ylion是什么意思ong-ping Chen, guiclub翻译de the lion group deputy head KuangHclubmed官网预订ong, Zhu Dalions英语怎么读oying, Tang Qing, Zhang Haiteng, secretary ZuoDiQun, Yang Yongguang, emergency committee executive chairman ray hd and other more than 30 people to attend the training. Ouyang Fan was the president of the conference, Li Feng was the general lecturer, kuang Hong, Wei Xinxlion复数in presilion怎么读dlion是什么意思ed over the trairecertifiedning.

At the opening ceremony, Brother Yi Dongsheng organized a unrecertifiedique “ice-breakinginternational翻译” game. Through the colionoperatshenzhenion and interaguidebookction of lion friends, the communication and cooperation of everyonelions读音 were promoted and the team cohesion was enhanced. Fan ouyang, introduces the present leaders lions, friends, and of sending and leading participant lion, a warm welcome, I hope you halion是什么意思ve more by learning culture,international缩写 system of llionsgateions and lio深圳天气n busi鬼的拼音ness knowledge to serve the service, through the stroncertified是什么牌子g深圳疫情 service blueprint to evaluate kit suitabinternationalworkers’day怎么读le for the service blueprint, throlions翻译中文ugh all the service members to implement the blueprint plan again, Cohesion of centripetal force, improve the abiclubslity of lion friends, let more service teams from “weak team to stronginternational labour day翻译 team, strong team stronger”.guideline Then, the guide lion team appeared and introduclions的音标ed themselves.

Guo Yongyoclubmed官网预订ng, Chairman of the Board of Dirlion是什么意思中文翻译ectors, expressed his appreciation to the guide Lion Grorecertifiedup for its special invitation to suplion是什么意思port the innovation of tclubraining, and hoped that the guide Lion Group and the guide Lion Group could makeclub翻译 joint efforts for a strong and standardized serlions翻译中文vice team. He said that this year’s new membership is particularly strict, the guide lion group team did a lot of work in the eaclubmedrly stage, especially in the optimization of the membership has played a great role. He hoped that the students would study hard, make achievements, give full play to theclubman是什么牌子车 role of the guide lion, go deep into each service team to conduct exchanges and guidance,certified怎么读 improve the quality of members, and make the service team more powerfuguidelinel.深圳风险等级 I wish this trainlionsing a complete success.


Su Zerlionsan, the former supervisor, expressed his gr深圳疫情最新动态atitude to guide lion Gr深圳oup for its kind invitation, and took thlionkkis opportunitclub翻译y tolions怎么读 learn, communicate and grow together with lion frilionsends. Guide lion’s company is very icertified怎么读mportant for the healtcertified是什么认证hylions英语怎么读 development of the club. I hope you can share your valuable experience in the development of the club and lead the healthy development of shenzhen Lions Clcertified怎么读ub.


Mr. Xie Jian, president of The Club and director of the club taught the students how to establish the Clcertified怎么读ub. On behalf of the lion friends of the older generation, he thanked all the guide lions for their selfless dedication. He pointed out that shenzhen Lions Club is深圳疫情最新动态 now at the critical juncture of its 20th annivers深圳市最新疫情ary, which is alinternationalismso the key juncture of shenzhen’s “‘ double district ‘drivelions英语怎么读 +’ dolions怎么读uble District ‘overlay”. As a member of Shenzhen Lions Club, wclubmede must move forwar圭的拼音d, strclub是什么酒engthen our study, redouble our efforts, break through the definition of others, and do our bestclubmed官网预订. I look forward to the future development of Shenzhen Liolions翻译中文ns Cllionub and evelions翻译中文ry lion friends more outstanding, excellent.


Former president Wang Jinliang hopes that the students will learn the skguidebookills ofinternationally歌曲 lion guide, devote themselves to the lion work and help the team develop healthily.

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Peng Daojian, the first vice president of Shenzhen Lionsclubman C圭的拼音lu深圳大学b, expressed his appreciation for the rigorous and careful prepinternationalworkers’day怎么读aration of the training and hoped tlion是什么意思hat the students coullion是什么意思中文翻译d communicate more and learn from each other in the traininlions翻译g, so as to become excellent lion guides, improve the cohesioclub是什么意思n and ceninternational labour day翻译triality of the service team and promote the healthy and steady development of Shenzhen Lions Club.

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During the two-lion的中文意思day training, guide Lion group arranged a variety of courses for thinternationalisme students. Brother Wang chengshi sharlions怎么读ed a lesson of “Certified Lion Ginternationally歌曲uide Activity” for the students, mai龟的拼音nly from four aspeclubcts of successful lion guide skills, become a consulting expert, evaluatinternational labour day翻译ion of service team needs, lion guide resources for the lion friends to make a concilionse explanation.


Li Feng, theclub是什么意思 chief lecturer, explained the Clion复数GL curriinternational缩写culum sysguidetem and the lesson of “Lions Club’s Dom深圳风险等级estic characteristics and Standard Management”. Since its归德侯府 estalion怎么读blishment, Shenzhen Lions Club has unswervingly followed the development path of lions Club with domesclubman是什么牌子车tic characteristics and continuously explored the path of hecertified翻译althy and sustainable development.


Tang Qing, deputy head of the team, lectured onlion怎么读 how to slionsupport and guide the development of the team through the establionslishmclubmedent of the team cadre guidance tearecertifiedm.


Li Chunchang deputy secretary-general on the cadres training of design service, from the lions club international overview of the roles and responsiblion的中文意思ilities, focus on service, constructive and meaningful meeting, design development plan, plan for the future and achieve深圳大学 outstanding courslions翻译e of five aspects, suclion翻译h as, let the students understanding of the operation, all reslion是什么意思ponsibilities of service, so as to better service for the service.


Jiang Xielionsgatezhen, the head of the lecturers’ group, was invited to share the blueprint of the Stinternational英语rong Service Team. Starting from the investigation and investigation of the current situatclub是什么酒ion of the service team, we learned about the current situation of the service team, analyzed and found problionslems, determined goals, developed fe深圳asible plans, integrated resourc圭的拼音es and implemented plans, improved the quality olions翻译f members, and ensured the healthy and excellent development of the service team.


Brother Zickling gavshenzhene a lecture on “Gu深圳ide and Blueprint”, introducing holions读音w to cultivate excellent guide, so as to better perform landing service, make weak team stronglions怎么读er, stro深圳市最新疫情ng team stronger.


Zhang Haiteng, deputy head of the team, presided over t深圳市最新疫情he assessment of tinternationalismhe international certification guide lion, guided the students patiently and carefully to complete the assessment.


At the end of the course, Ouyang Fan made a summary of the training, thanking the leader Lion Friends for their strong support to the training, the lecturers for their wonderful sharing to empower thguidelinee stu深圳地铁线路图dents, and the students for tinternationalworkers’day怎么读aking part in the training in their busy schedule, and jointly creating a relaxed and happy learning atmosp深圳here.

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At theinternational是什么意思 graduation ceremony, Ouyang Fan awarded the certificates of completion to the students andinternationalworkers’day怎么读 congratulated them on their successful graduation.

  Training site students learning photos


[Text] Du Shaoheng

[Photo] Wu Shaoyi, Publicity Committee

Office Ke Wu Yueinternationalcupid Ke Shen Mei

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[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng

[Issued] Sheclubsnzhen Lions Club Office

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