Hualin Service Team: the eighth regular meeting of 2020-2021 was held

On March 28, 2021, the eighth regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Hualing Service Team for 2020-2021 was held in Guangdonmeeting是什么中文意思g Siwei Law Firm, Bao ‘an District. Wang Daoming, supervisor of Shenzhen Lioregularns Cleighth英语怎么读ub and former captain of Hualin Swasn’tervice华凌, Li Xuefei, former captain of Hualin Serhualinvice, Yu Wanqun, first vice captain Huang Weijun, second vice captain Luo Zhenqiang, former captain Chen Xuanbin, Chen Xinya, general manager Chen Xiaoxuan and other 12 people attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yu Wanqun and preighth翻译esided over by L华菱钢铁i Xuefei.
The chairman of the Assembly of All Groups tolled the bell. Captain Li Xuefei delivered a speech华菱钢铁 to encouregular的名词rage the mewash怎么读mbers ofwashington the next team to take part in tmeetingyou是什么意思he campaign.
&nb华丽逆袭韩三千最新章节阅读sp; The former leaderegularrs of waring Serwastevice shared the culture of Lions Club and the history of Lioserviceablens Club. We hope that the lions of Waring Service members can take the initiative to run for the nexservice是什么故障灯t cameeting怎么读英语ptain team and carry forward the charity cateams会议use.
Huang Weijun, the first vice captain, said that if successfully elected, he would lead the service team lion frieservice和serve的区别nds to do a good job in brand service projects, continue to inherit the excellent lion spirit, with a serious and rhualinesponsible attitude to do the lion work. He mobwas是什么意思ilized everyone to run for the next captain’s team.
Captain Li Xuefei made a summaryeighth怎么读 and confirmed the time ofeighth什么意思 the ni华凌空调质量怎么样nth regular meeting and nominatmeeting的音标ion meeting of the Hualin Service Team.
After the meetin花陵g, the participants celebrated their birthday in March. We are happy an华菱钢铁股吧d happy tserviceogether.
The text/party
Photo/Li Xuefei

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