New Security Service Team: held the ninth regular meeting of 2020-2021 and the 2021-2022 election Meeting

On March 27, 2021, the 9th regular meeting of New ‘an Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club (2020-2021) and the 2021-2022 Promotion Meeting were helregularly意思中文翻译d in Ningbo Restaurant, Shangbu Roameeting翻译d, Futian Districservice怎么读t. Shenteambitionzhen Lions Club sixth district chaimeetingtencentcomrman Wu Zhijian, 10th disteamstrict chairman Wu Jinzhi, Xmeeting的音标in ‘an service team captain Li Jun, first vice captain Liu Jun, second vsecurity翻译ice captain Zhang Yuanyuan, third vice captain Wen Xueqing, former captain Yang Qiuju, Zhao Yunpeng, Huangsecurity翻译 Yongsheng, Wu Wenkang, Chen Zong, Gao Yuyun, Zeng Zhaosheng and othersecurity翻译 41 people attended the meeting. The meeregular什么意思ting wsecurity的形容词as chaired by Wu Zhijianteamo and presided over by Fengsecurity怎么读 Xheld的原型ia and Chen Zong.
Former captain Chen Zong rninth怎么读ead out the election rules of the team elect, and Three lion friends huang Shenghui, Tan Xiaohui and Le Haixian particregular反义词ipated in the elecheldention of the third viceservice和serve的区别 captaregularin elect, shared their lion road journey and issued the election manifestoregularly意思中文翻译. After the voting, former Captain Kao Yuk-wan announced that Brother Tam Siu-meetingyou是什么意思fai had been elected as the third vice-captain eteams会议lect ofheld过去式和过去分词 NSFC for the year 2021-2022. The remaining members of the captain elect’s team were unanimously elected.
Captain Li jun congratulated the team on being elected and prninthly翻译esented ameeting的音标 certifinewscate of appreciation to the lion friends whoservice的名词 supponew balancerted the “Bright Action”.
The text/liujun
Photo/Chen Weiming

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