Shenzhen Lions love Pengcheng in 20 years — “Lions love Pengcheng” 99 public welfare day special fund-raising activity successfully concluded

In recent years, shenzhen lions under the leadership of the municipal disabled persons’ federation’s right, around the centerlove直直播app, the servipublic404html最新网站ce general situation, the comprehensive implementation of the CPC Central Commi彭程ttee and swelfaretate council on decision to deploy to charities, give full play to the funclions翻译tions of charity for the thipublic是什么意思rd time distribution, promote the construction of the new development of philanthropy, and powwelfare可数吗er battle runoff out of poverty, a深圳大学nd i鹏城s focused on the protection anlion是什么意思d developmenlions翻译t for the disabled, Various special campaigns have been launched to help the poor and the disabled.

Adherinlovely什么意思g to the principle of “Helping others and serving the society”, this year, Shenzhen Lions Club, together with Shenzhen Domestic Charity Exhibiyears翻译tion, launched two special fund-raising activities on the Tencent public welfare platform: “Helping the Vishenzhenllage for the Convenience” and “Lipublicizingon Love Pengcheng” on the 99 Public Welfare Day. This special event has a total of 62 sub-projects, such as “The Moswelfare怎么读t Beautiful Sanitation Worker”, “First Aid at Your Side”, and “Educational charity Walk”, covering many fields such as assisting the disabled, helping students, helping doctors, rural revitalization, and community service, gathering charity power through actions and practicinlionsglion是什么意思中文翻译 the concept of public welfare. In the two fundraising sessions of the charity Day, all lions club members of Shenzhen donated a total of 2,635,491 million yuan, actively practicing the “four out” spirit.

On September 12, 2021, the National Charity Exhiblion是什么意思ition announced the honor lyearsbtcist of the 99 Charity Day. Among them, Shenzhen Lions Club won the honor of being the outstanding partner of the “Rural Revitalization” 99 Charlovely翻译ity Dayyearsago中文翻译 special Fundraising activity of the Domestic Charity Exhibition. Shenzhen Lions Club G彭城世家uo Yongyong, Gao Rui, Li Qing, Li Xiyearslaterngyi, Li Yyears翻译anfeng, Liu Ju深圳市最新疫情n, Liu Level, Sui Xinlions怎么读gzhe, Wang Shu, Wang Xiaoliang, Xiao Xiaoyu, Xie Luhongpublicize翻译, Yan Shiyong were awarded theyearsago中文翻译 “Rural Reyearsirvitalization Assistance Officer”; Gossippublic, bijia mounlions怎么读tain, mooring, spryearsbtcing, spring, love charity collectionlove直播破解版, the ealovelyrth,lion是什么意思中文翻译 datong, nature, fuyong, relevant, pwelfare是什么意思英语eace, hong ya han, shenyang, Chinlove直直播appa, huaqiang, Chinese businessman, dahuang, classic, elite, Victoria towers, leshan, Le cuckoo, mileage, bright pupilion是什么意思中文翻译l, liuzhou, longhua, dream, nameplates, good taste, the soyears怎么读upublicityth China sea, future, shajing, viyearslaterrtues, bus深圳大学iness knowledge and crust, the shenzhou, lion lpublicove Theyears怎么读 service teawelfare可数吗ms of Qiu, Tiancheng, Tongxin,lions翻译 Wenjin, Xili, Xixiapublicityng, Xianhu, Xiangmihu, Xin ‘an, Fuxing, Yantian, Yishan, Yitian, Silver Lake, Zhengtao, Central District, Zhuhui and深圳风险等级 Zimeng were awarded the “publicize翻译Rural Revitalization Peak Team”.

The next stage, shenzhyearsen lions will closely around the “difference” the diwelfaresabled security鹏程万里的意思 and development planning and career development, expanding strengthen poverty alleviation for the disabled engines results, improve the level of social sepengchengcurity for the dislion是什么意思abled in important position, work closely with dom深圳地铁线路图estic dlovelyisabled personswelfare怎么记忆‘ federation and shenzhen central t深圳市最新疫情ask of disabled persons’ federation, to promote employmwelfare是什么意思英语ent for the disabled, Raise awarenesyearsago中文翻译s of the urgency of rehalovebilitation services for persons with disabilities and provide them with betyearster rehabilitation services; We will consolidate and expand poverty alleviapublic是什么意思tion efforts and effectively l鹏城ink them with rural vitalization, and coordinate key tasks of regular epidemic preventiyears翻译on and control and volunteer services. We are helping others and serving the society, and continue to advance towards standarlion是什么意思dized, orderly and high-quality development.

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Ke Wuyue

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[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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