Let’s blossom Hongli — The Inaugural ceremony of the 2021-2022 election of the Hongli Service Team was held

On July 11, 2021, the inaugural ceremony of the new term of Shenzhen Lions Club Hongli Service Team for 2021-2022 was held in Langqi Zhanyun Seaside Resort Hotel, Dapeng New District. Director tian Xingwangservice怎么读, First Vice President Peng Daojian, secoservice是什么意思中文翻译nd Vice President Nie Xiangdong, former presidents Shi Jianyong and Wang Jinliang, deputy director Deng Yi, directors Tan Fei, Zhao Hui, Wen Yaoli, Li Li, proposed chairman Chen Xushenservicemang, Wu Jinzhi, Li Xiaofeng, Fan Guangyu,ceremony同义词 L红利群in Xiaoyi, Yu Fangfei, Tang Xueyong, Li Bin, Yu Xiaoping, Yan Weiminauguralin, Zhang Wei, Guo Liang, Wan Xiaoyun, Cao Meixiu, Chen Gang, Wen Zhinaugural address课文pptiyong, Zheng Bochao, Fei Jun, supervisors Zhou Zhihui, Yu Hui, Lceremony同义词i Chunping, proposed advisor, Lin Yanju, special assistant of the president attendedceremony和celebration的区别 the ceremony红领巾图片. The ceremony was pres红领巾的系法ided over by Zhang Ying as the chairman of the conference, Yang Li as the executive chai红领巾的系法rman of the confelet‘s后面的动词用什么形式rence, meng Chun presided over.
At 5let o ‘clock in the afternoon,inaugural address翻译中英对照 with tblossom怎么读he rosy clouds of dapengblossomed sunset and gentle sea breeze, Meng Chun announced the opening of the changing of the leadership activity. The lion friends ofservicebio the Red Litchi Service team wearing white clothes and blue silk scarves came on stage in the form ofletstalk聊天软件 sign language dance “You shonglimile really looks good”, which reflected红领巾是什么形状 tservicehe blue sky and white clouds. The changing of the leadership activity of the Red Litchi Service team officiallyinaugural address翻译中英对照 kicked off.
Rong Jing introduced the guests and warmly welcomed the leaders of Shenzhen Lions Club, friends of Lions club, family members of Hong Li Service Team lions Club and caring personage.
Wu Guicheng, the former team leader, maservicebiode a summary of the annual work, reviewed the charity service projects and other pubelectionslic welfare activities of The Red Litchi Serceremony是什么意思vice Team in the past year, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the lion friends of the Red Li红利群多少钱一包tchi Service team, the team and the distblossom怎么读英语rict association for their gceremony用什么介词reat love and support. On theinaugural翻译 scene of the clet’s怎么读onference, thceremony同义词e lion frieceremony造句nds of the Rblossom是什么意思ed Lblossomitchi Service team, the team o红领巾是什么形状f caring friends, caring enterprises and caring persletonage were commended. Yang Li makes financial reports.
In tservice翻译he Thanksgiving link, a touching scene appeared: with the poetry recitation of “Listen to me and thank you”, all the lion friends of the Red Litchi Service team held a rose and slowly came to the stage to thank Captaservice怎么读in Wletteru Guicheng. In the year of serving as the leader of Red Litchi Service Team in 2020-2021, Wu Guicheng, the leader of red Litchi Service team, handled the busy lion work with ease, with红领巾图片out high profile or high talk, with sincerity and gentleness, and led red Litchi Service team forward all the way. This touching scene filled the audience with love.
Atservice和serve的区别 the handover ceremony, Rlettuceed Litchi service team invited founder teinaugural address翻译am leader Liu Xiao, seco弘历nd team leader Yaoservice是什么意思 Xiaoming, fservice是什么故障灯ourth team leader Xilettuceao Liangwen, as well as 13 tlettereblossom是什么意思am leaders who are still in Red Litchi Seservice是什么故障灯rvice team to support them. In the process of team leader handover, th红领巾e founding team leader of Red Litchi Service team passed the bell hammer, which symbolizes responsibility and responsibiliservicety, to the next one, and finally to Wu Guicheng. Under the wblossom是什么意思itness of the leaders of the district council and the 16 captains of the Red Li Service team, Wu Guicheng handed over the ribbon and the bell hammer to Liang Yidong. At this time, the 16 captaservicebioins sang a blesservice的名词sing “Red Li, Red Li, telectionhe futur红领巾图片e can be expected! Hong Li Hong Li, forever charm,blossom怎么读 “thunderous applause from the scene.
Captain Liang Yidong introduced the 2021-2022 work plan of Hoblossom是什么意思ngli Service Team. He said thalettucet according to the annual work pinaugural address课文pptlan of the District Council, folloinaugural address课文pptwing the principle of “One hundred years after the founding of the Party, a new starelectionsting point for a new journey”, taking “Keeping theinaugural address翻译 original aspiration and servingserviceable togetheinaugural address翻译r” as the theme, focusing on sblossom翻译ervice, standardizating lion aletter是什么意思ffairs and caring for lion friends as the main line, enhancing the cohesion of the Hong Li Service Team and the influence of the service brand ainaugural address翻译s the core goal. The service activitservice和serve的区别ies to be carried out this year include traditional education program, community assistance for the disabled, First aid at Youinaugural address翻译r Side, “Red Aceremony复数形式ction” aceremony怎么读nd community servceremony的音标ice proservice是什么意思ject of Caring Nanshan Special Children Center, Africa Free Lunch Inblossomingternatletstalkional project and joint service activities oservice是什么意思f district association and f红领巾心向党手抄报riendship teaservicemanmlet’s后面的动词用什么形式, etletc. As for lion affairs, we will continue to arrinaugural address翻译ange t红利群多少钱一包heme m红领巾简笔画eetings, improve system construcblossom翻译tion, standardize lio红领巾心向党手抄报n affairs management, strengthenlet training and publiciservice怎么读ty, spread lion culture, promote communication anceremony和celebration的区别d fellowship, and do aservice和serve的区别 good job in caring for lion friends and year-end commendation, so as to enhance members’ sense of security, sense of gain, happiness an红领巾图片dceremony是什么意思 achletter是什么意思ievement. In addition, we plan to develop 2 new members this year.
Supervisor Tian Xingwang and First Vice President Peng Daojian delblossom怎么读ivered speeches, saying that they were very happy to participate in the changing of the leadership of Hong Li Service Team. Th弘历ey witnessed the inheritance, love and development of Hong Li Service Team through the pictures and atmosphere of the activity, and praised the teaceremony怎么读m spirit and outstanding achievements of Hongletter是什么意思 Li Service Team. I hope that in the Newservice Year, under the leadership of tceremony的音标he new leader and through the joint efforts of aelection怎么读ll lion friends, the red Licheng Service team wiletll continue to carry forward the lion work and create further glory.
After the changing ceremony, the fellowship party was also wonderful, and the changing activity ended in a passionate atmosphere.
By Liang Wenjuan, Shenshi News Agblossom是什么牌子ency
Photo/Conelection是什么意思tribution by Hong Li Service Team

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