Embrace digital innovation to empower lion to start again

On the afternoon of January 6, 2021, Chairman Su Youhua, executive Chairman Zheng Linyu and Qiu Hengying, members Hong Wei and Liuinnovation吕布 Zhiqing of Shenempowerment翻译zhen Lioembrace翻译ns Cluempower软件b information Technolodigital cameragy Committee for 2020-2021 visited Green Oranempoweredge Information Service (Shenzhen) Co., LTD to inspect the information project of Shenzhen Lions Club. Liao Jempower翻译inyan, former captain of Lin MAO Service Teinnovation是什么意思am, gong Xiangmin, lion friend of Fuyong Service Team, as partners of Green Orange Company, received the delegation of information technology Committee.
Liao Jinyan presided oveembracementr the inspection meeting. Chairman Su youhua introduced the general situatioagain怎么读n of information technology committee and team members, anlion的音标d reempowerviewed the developinnovation翻译ment of informatizationdigital of Shenzhen Lions Club.
Gong introduced to brothelionr Minshi the preliminary plan of shenzhen Lions Club information projempowerededigitaloceanct and gave a prototype demonstration. He said tlionshaembraceyou是哪位作曲家的作品t the Orange company willempower sponsor tstart翻译hlion是什么意思e construction of the system for free, and the basic expensestart翻译s such as the server will be paid by the Lions Club of Shenzhen. Consideringembrace的用法与词组 the continuityembrace怎么记忆 and long-term nature of the sysempower翻译temembrace的中文翻译, Green Orange company will provide long-term technical support for the project.
We discussed the system construction scheme and project feasibility basedinnovation的中文意思 on the current situation and needs of Shestarter是什么品牌nzhen Lions Club.
【lion翻译 Text 】 Su Youhua
[Photo] Su Youhua
【 Edit 】 Ma Huijuan & NBSP; Lin Yanfen
【 Compositiondigital 】 Qiu & NBSP; peng
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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