Longhua Service Team: Hold the third regular meeting of 2020-2021

On October 17, 2020, the third regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Longhua Service Team for 2020-2021 was held in Longgang Buji Zhengrongregular是什么意思英语 Aregularityccountin隆化天气g Co., LTD. Longhua Service team captain Xu Lijian, first vice captain Yang Hongmeeting是什么意思中文翻译ying, third vice captain Guan Zhongregular的所有形式he, secretary Yin Xiaoling, Finance Wang Lin, general affairs Liu Shuiliang, captain team memteam是什么意思翻译bers Luo Minghai, Fenmeeting的音标g Yunfeng and more than 20 people attended the regular meeting. The meeting was chaired by Liu Jian and Yin Xiahold的过去式和过去分词oling.
The members of the teachregularitying group, Licensing Ke, Li Bizhen and Huang Lin, were invited to train the lserviceion Friends on the organizameeting是什么意思tserviceableional structure and cadre responsibilities of the Service Team ameetingnd the Vision, Mission and values of lions Club.third音标 Durthird-partying the training, lion friends listened carefully and answered questiothird怎么读ns enthusiregular是什么意思英语astically.
At the mthird的基数词eeting, the lion friends who attended the meeting discussed together and decided to carry out the guangming acthold的过去式和过去分词ivity in Hanzhong 813 Hospital in Shaanxi proteam是什么意思翻译vince on November 18, tang Luli as the executive chairman of the activity, Wang Lin to assist in the lmeeting的音标iomeeting怎么读英语n friends’ food, accommodathird音标tion, travel and so on. The activity is expected龙荒神王 to provide 100 cataract operations for poor patients free of charge, with a service fund of 100,000 yuan.
Captain Xu Lijteamworkian proposed that lion friends should start from caringhold的过去式和过去分词 for the elderly around us, calling on everyone to regularly organize to viservicebiosit sick parents. On the road of charity, we walk together all the way.
Article/Contribu龙皇tion by Tulonghua Service Team

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