Caring for Sanitation and development — The Marine Cloud Sky Service Team held the activity of caring for sanitation workers and held the third regular meeting

On October 26, 2020, The Lions Club of Shenzhen held the activity of caring for sanitation workercaring是什么意思英语s aheld的中文意思nd the third regular meeting of the team in Xiangzhou Dismarineplextrict, Zhuhaimarine怎么读 city. Shenservice和serve的区别zhen lions club President of 2020-2021, zhi-qiangcloud lu, chief financial officer NieXiangDong, dean of general affair Deng Yi, deputy secretary-general Cai Min, deputy secrdevelopment翻译etary-general Fang Sskyworth是什么牌子hilei, chairman of the second zone Wei Xin new, the first 12 district chairman wang lina, a supervisor any salary, such as, red action committee chasky光遇irman Zhang Zhining maritime cloud service captain g.h, the previous captain zheng-hua Chen, As well as sea sky, sea Yue, sea long letter service team lion friends to participate icaring和careful区别n activities and regular meetings.
In the morning, shiyou and more than 20 people went to Shangchong Market in Xiangzhou District to carry out the activity oskylinewebcamsf caring for sanitation workers, and donated 90 barrels of cookservice是什么意思ing oil, 90 bags of rice and other materials to the sateam什么意思nitation workers, with the service funds of 19,700 yuaservice翻译n. Li Guirongmarine和maritime的区别, secretary of sanitation workersky是什么意思s’ post in Shangchong Street, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai city, and 20 sanitation workers participated in the activity. Activity by Duan Changhodevelopmentng as the chairman of the conference.
At the event, President Lu Zhiqiang and cupheldadevelopment的用法和搭配ptain Wang Chuanfang donated care mateheld怎么读的rials to the sanitcloudflareation workers’ station on behalf of Shenzhen Liosky是什么意思ns Club. Lu explained that Shenzhen Lions Club hheld怎么读的as carried out various activities to care for sanitation workersheld in recent years and will continue to care for sanitatioskype是什么软件n workers in the future. He said, sanitcloudcampusation workers as beauticians in the city, drafting every day greedy black, take pains to provide a clean and comfortable environment for the general public, admiservice的名词rable. He called on everyone to work together to protect the environment and build a betterservice翻译 homecaring怎么读.servicebio
Secretary Li guirong said that Shenzhen Lions Club has made great achievements in various public servservicemanice fields. He thanked the Shendevelopment是可数名词吗zhen Lions Club for its commitment to caring for sanitation workers and improving their livheldbackes over the years.
In the aftmarine是什么牌子ernoon oupheldf the same day, the third regular meeting of the Marine Cloud sky Servservice是什么意思ice teheld的意思是什么am was held in the Platinum Hotel, Gang Yi Road, Xiangzhou Distrupheldict, Zhuhai city. The meeting was chaired by Duan Changhong and Luo Xiahui. The meeting briefed the recent work of the service team, and the leaders of shiyoumarine怎么读, including Chairman Lu Zhiqiang, gave guidance to the work of the tmarinelook是什么意思hree service teams: Marine Yuntian, Marine Yue and Marteamproine Changxin.
President Wservice怎么读ang Lina introduced the participants of the regulcloudyar meetteams手机版ing.marines翻译 Duacaringlyn Changhong, chairman of the conference, extended a warm welcome to President Lu Zhiqiang and his deteam是什么意思翻译legation.
Nie Xiangdong, Deng Yi, CAI Min, Vice secretary General, Fang Shilei, Chairman Wei Xinxin, Chairman Wang Lina, and Chairman Zhang Zhining shared their work and said they woulcloudflared do a good job in supporting the service team.
Captain Wangskype安卓手机版 Chuanfang, Zhao Xueyun financial services respectively made theteam什么意思 team work report, financial report.
Lu zhiqiang, president of ccPIT Xiamen, affirmed the achievements made by the three smarine翻译ervice teams of Sea Sky, Sea Joy and Sea Changxin in lion service work, and praised the thoughtful arrangements madcloude by sea Sky Service team lion friends in service and regular meetings. He said that the Lions Club board of Shenzhen has been paying close attention to the development of the three clubs and hoped that the clubs would maintain close contact with the district club and find an organdevelopment翻译ization if it was difficult. He encouraged the serviceteam什么意思 team to take responsibilityservice的名词 and perform well in public service under the existing conditions.marineland He reminded lion frteam什么意思iends to continue to protect themselves as the epidemic prevention and control becomes normal.
By Su Zhuangbin
Photo/Wang Lina

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