Chinese business Service Team: Held the summing-up meeting and the fifth regular meeting of the year 2020-2021 of “Lion March road” Chishui Charity Walk

On November 28, 2020, the final meeting and the fifth regular meeting of the year 2020-2021 of “Lion March road” chishui Charity Walk by Chinese Business Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club was held in the banquet hall on the first floor of the family Feast, Qiaoxiang Road, Futian District. Domestic lion federation former supervisor, shenzhen lions, chairman of thbusinessman翻译e adservicebiovisory committee chairman Su Zeran, shenzhen lion meeting with lei, deputy secretary-general, the chairman of Liao Ronghui, sixth zhi-jian wu, chairman of the partition, the first 12 district chairman wang lina, group head of Wang Dagui, chan wai ho, chaiupsrman of the committee of student servififth基数词ces, deep lions, news agency executive chairman Wangservice是什么意思中文翻译 Haibin, Chinesservice是什么意思e service caheld怎么读的ptain cervical, all the previous captain even leheld是hold的什么形式ss ChuHai, first deputy captain lai penang, second deputfifth翻译y captain, vice captain Zhang Feihong chardin, third, anchinese意思d thefifth基数词 captain de-qiang gan, financial Tang Ping, Ken ng,teamo secretary general Richard into, sergeants-at-arms SheHanJiang members Chen Yixiang, medical and health care, love, harmony members rong-shi Chen, assistive moment, foreign exchange ZhuoMififth音标ngQi, Li Bin, captain of datong service team, Li Guodong, captaififth的缩写n of Diwang Service tmeetingyou是什么意思eam, Wang Xmeeting是什么意思iaolservice怎么读iang, first deputy captain of Yantian Service team, Xiong Yuying, fbusiness翻译imeeting的音标rst deputy captain of Jinming Art Servicmeeting是什么中文意思e team, qin Pan, general manager of Hengyuan Wmeetingyou是什么意思ine, general manager of family feast Lin Qifeng and othchineseer lion friends attended the meteamvieweretinservicemang. The meeting was cmeetinghaired by Mr Lai Siu-pin and chaired by Mr Ng Kin and Mr Chardano.


Before the meeting, lion friends watched the video and photos of the chishui Charity walk “Lion March road”, and revisited their love and affection of “Walking with charity, heading for happiness”.

At the beginning of the conference, secretary Gan Deqififth怎么读英语ang introdsumming翻译uced the lefifth音标aders and guests. Lian Chuhai, former team leader, delivered the welcome speech.


Captain Pan shengquan made a summary of the “Lion March road”, introduced the content, significance, participation in the co-organizing service team and caring personage of the “lfifth怎么读ion March Road” brand project, and arranged the lion work for the next month.


Tang Pinbusinesslikeg shi Jie made a financial report, introduservice是什么故障灯ced the “Lion march road” chishui charity public welfare acfifthtivities of the toteambitiontal amount of donations.


“Lion March road” award link, Captain Pan Shenserviceableg to participate in the chishui p孙铭徽喊话辽宁视频ubl孙铭九ic welfare activities co-organized diwang, Mingjia Shanpin, Silveservicebior Lteamoake,held的原型 Yantian, Mingde, datongbusinesslike, hand in hand, grace, charity cuponollection and other servicesumming怎么读 teams awarduplay, the column formed in the activiheldbackty to awheld是hold的什么形式ard. Captain Pan Shsumming什么意思engquan, the general leader of the team, presheldbackented a certificate of achinese意思ppreciation to guizhou Huaizhuang Wine Group andservice Shenzhechinese读音n Hengyuan Wine (general operation of Red Classic), and especially thanked the lion friends and guests who participateteamod in the donation.

With the theld是hold的什么形式hmeetingtencentcomeme of “Our Future is not a Dreamfifthly“, President Cmeetingtencentcomhiufifth基数词 Wu Jian shared “On the Sservicemanelf-Formation and Self-Development Mode of each Column of the” Lion March “,held怎么读的 h孙铭徽原籍oping that each service team will be closely linked, continuously grow and improve. Dai Tongxin, former Chairman ochinese翻译f CCPIT Xiamen and Li Bin, captain of ccPIT Xiamen respectively shared theiuplayr feelings abteamviewerout participatheld的意思是什么ing in the “Lion M孙铭徽arch” and expressed their continued support for the projupdateect. Dai Tongxin, former chairman of ccPIT Xiamen, dheld过去式和过去分词onated 10,000 yuan in advance for next year’s “Lion March” activity.

Former Supefifthsrvisor Su Zeran commended Lian Chuhai for winning tfifth什么意思he “Outstanding Service Team” award of The Domestic Lions Association in 2019-2020 under the leadership of the former captain lian Chuhai. Lian Chuhai, the last team leader, presented MEDALS to the 5 lion friends who pledged to donate the Lion Awarfifthlyd last year.

First Deupstairsputy Captain Lai Siu-pin gave a speech of appreciation.


After the meechineseting, we had a dichinese读音nner party, the art troupe lion friends brought wonderful performances, the atmosphere of the venue was happy. I would like to thank Captaiuppern Lian Chuhai for sponsoring wine and Captain Pan Sheng quan and Captain Wu Jian Chuang for sponsumming什么意思soribusiness怎么读ng fruit.



By Gan Deqiameeting腾讯会议ng

Photo/Wu Shengjin

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