Future Service Team: The eighth team leader meeting of 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 selection Meeting will be held
On March 27, 2020, the 8th captain team meeting of 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 Selection meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Future Service was held in Futian Red Lanmeeting的音标tern Restaurfuture是什么意思ant. Yang Dehua, team leader, Cao Meeighthixiu, first vice captain, Sheng Baihua,future是什么牌子 team leader and other 17 people attended the meeting. Lu Zhiqiang, first vice president of Shenzhen Lions Club and Li Chao, director of Future Service team attended the meeting. The meeting was chaleader是什么牌子ired by Yang Dehua and Sheng Baihua.
At the meetingservice, the lions electeam什么意思ted a new team leader in a democratic way.
Cao Meixiu, captain elect, introduced the 2020-2021 work plan of THE Future Service Team. First, deepen service content, refine seservicervice process, innovate in inheritmeeting的音标ance and realize service standardization; The second is to hold remeeting的音标gular meetings beighth翻译y combining “online and offline” to further understand the situation of lion friends, strengthen the learning and communication among members, orgservice怎么读anize social ameeting的音标ctivities withinfuture the team, and form an atmosphere of learning and mutual assistleader空调ance; Third, strengthen communileader翻译cation and learning with other service teams, participate in joint services based on the actual work of the service tmeeting怎么读英语eam, and hold joint regular meetings; Fourth, strengthen public welfare operation and promoeighth什么意思tion, and further promote the brand of Lion culture and Future Service Team. She hopes that in the New Year, everyone can continue to support her work and strive to do better in all work!
The lion friends discussed themeeting腾讯会议 construction of the service team with the new team leader. They exleader是什么意思中文pressed their opinions and put forward many valuable suggestions for the development of theservice是什么意思中文翻译 service team and the ifuturelearnmplementation of serviceleader是什么意思中文 activities.
Captainteam什么意思 Yeung tak-wah made a concluding sfuture怎么读音peech, thanking the lion fleader是什么意思中文riends who have been supportleadershiping thefuture翻译 development of the club for the pastteam是什么意思翻译 four years, especially the lion frifuture糖果ends Wen Shufuturek-han and Li Chao. He expressed heighth读音is gratitude to lions for their cooperationeighths and support in this year’s worteamviewerk. He hoped that all of you could grow up in the public service and become quality members of Lions Club.teamviewer At the same time, he fully affirmed the work plan of the new team members headed by the captain designate, Cao Meixiu, and looked forward to her leading tteamshe future Service Team to a new peak.
Article/picture contributed by the Future Service Team
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