Hualin Service Team: Held the second regular meeting of 2020-2021

On August 1, 2020, the second regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Hualin Service Team formeeting的音标 2020-2021 was held in Caiqilin Decoration Design Engineering Co., Lmeeting是什么中文意思TD., Yongtong Building, Luohu District. Shenzhen lions superviteams手机版sors and shenyang service former captain dao-ming wang, shenyang service captain xue-fei li, the previous captain Yu W华菱钢铁股吧anqun, a first deputheld过去式和过去分词y captain Huang Weijun, second deputy captain LuoZhenQiang, gen captain Zhang Hongxiang, former captservice是什么故障灯ain Chen Xuan bin, Chen paid, secretary hua-jie sun, financial Xu Jintao, sergeants-at-arms Huang Qingbo 24 people were present at the mserviceeeting. Gao Ling, chairmanheld的原型 of Zone 5, Wang Xuebo, chairman of Zone 14, So Jianhua, chairman of the Disabled Committee, Huang Weiqiang, leader of mmeeting腾讯会议ile Service Team, Wu Guicheng, leader ofmeeting是什么意思中文翻译 Hong Li Service Team, Ren Ping, leader of Huatianteamwork Service Team, Zhu华丽逆袭韩三千最新章节阅读 Xinru, leader of Nature Service team and Meng Yajun, chairman of Shenzhen Vocational Health Center were present atmeeting翻译 the meeting. The meetingregularization was chaired bupheldy Zhong Guiping and Wang Juanliserviceable.
Caregularizationptain Li Xuefei introduced the leaders and guests who attended the meeting, and then summarized the public welheld的中文意思fare activregularly意思中文翻译ities of the “Deep Lion Fusion Cup” fun games. She thanked theserviceman lion friends for theiservice是什么意思中文翻译r strong support to the activteamoity and the preparatory staff on stagheld怎么读的e and behind the scenes for their devotioregular翻译n aheldbacknd selmeetingsfless dedication.
At the meeting, the participants discussed the process of helping the disabled and chsecondlove日剧anging the leadership. The service team selsecond翻译ected to change the leadership in the disabled assistance activity of “Wservice和serve的区别alkinservice是什么意思中文翻译g snasecondlove日剧ils” in Luofu Mountain, Donggservice和serve的区别uan City, lasting two days and one night; Children with disabilities will be guided to enj华丽逆袭韩三千最新章节阅读oy the beautiful rural scenery at the foot of Luofu Mountain, wmeeting的音标here they can pick organic fruits by themselves, hug lovely and gentle animals, experience intellig华林证券股吧ent agricultural scientific and technological achievemservice的名词ents, watch wonderful performances and visit hsecond什么意思akka towns with strong folk custsecondlyoms.
The lion friends at the meeting deliberated and passed resolsecondaryutions on acregularly意思中文翻译tivities sservice和serve的区别uch as “taking snails for a walk”, povertysecondhand alleserviceviation in old jiangxi prov华凌空调质量怎么样ince, and doregularly意思中文翻译nation for disaster relief. At the samsecond缩写e time, we donated money and华菱钢铁股吧 materials to the electionteambition campaign.
The meeting was successfully concluded in a pleasant and relaxed atmosservice翻译phesecond的基数词re. After thmeeting腾讯会议e meeting, we celebrate the birthday of lion friend in August.
By Xuefei Li
Phototeamwork/Huang Weijun

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