Define the scope of responsibilities and standardize the supervision process — The Board of Supervisors convened the first special meeting of the Board of Supervisors in 2020-2021

On November 4, 2020, the first special supervisory Board meeting of lions Club shenzhen fosupervisoryr 2020-2021 was held in the Lions Club office in Shenzhen. The paboard什么意思翻译rticipants carefully examined the work of the board of Supesupervision的动词rvisors in the past thresupervisor是什么职位e months, and further clarified the positioning, supervision and acceptance scope and handling basis of members’ compsupervision怎么读laints, combined with the “Shenzhen Liosupervisor是什么级别ns Club Supervision System”, “Shenzhen Lions Club Members’ Cboard怎么读英语ode of Conduct” and other relevant provisions.
Through the “shenzhen lions of the board of supervisors system” and “shenzhen lions club memberdefine名词 code of conduct” ofprocess什么意思中文 academic discussion, we made clear, the board of supervisors should be “is the escort shenzhen lions club” for the purpose, to “ostandardizeversigprocessorht council and special agencies to comply with national laws and regulations, articles of asboardssoprocessedciation, the associadefine的形容词tion rules and regulations and resolutions of the performance of the member representative assembly “To put forward opinions and suggestions on the work ofprocession the Coboardsuncil and the Standing Council” is the main scope of responsibility, and carry out various supervision work in strictsupervisor教程 accordance with relevant provisions; Adhere to the guidance of rules and regulatsupervisionions, do a good job of supervisionsupervisor和manager区别 of all matters within the scope of responsibiscoped属性lity, to achieve “something”supervision翻译; Adhere to the “good” and “offside”,processor does noboardt fall within the scope of responsibiliprocessorty of “what”, for some endanger the organization development, can have significant damage to the organization, should be trying to know thdefined翻译e facts of cases, to reminconvenedd thscope模式e council attaches greatprocessor importance to and solve, lion dispuconvenetes between friends cascopedn not be replaced by the council for acceptance, It shall be submitted to the Disciplinary Committee in written form by the managers of the level (such as service team, divistandardize翻译sion, special area, special work organizatboard什么意思翻译ion, etc.) of the parties to the dispute, and then submitted to the Council for final handling; Supervisors have the obligation and responsibility to pubscope和range的区别licize relevant rules and regulationsupervision是什么意思s, guide lion frsupervisor教程iends to solve problems through the riprocess什么意思中文ghsupervisiont way and way, and supervise the handling pdefine名词rocprocessedess.
At the meeting, the Board of Supervisoboard的中文意思rs has analyzed the complaints received since July, made clear the role of the boarddefine是c语句吗 ofsupervisory supervisors in the system, and determined the way of handling.
Afterwards, the participating supervisors discussed the process of accepting complaints by the board of Supervissupervisionors. From the channels for receiving complaints to the formal way of asupervisor翻译cceptscope权限怎么打开ing complaints, the supervisordefine是c语句吗s expressed their opinionsupervisor和manager区别s accstandardize翻译ording to the relevant provisions of “Shenzhen Lions Club System of Sscope权限怎么打开upervidefine的形容词sors”, and made suggestions and valuable suggestions for the lion affairs of the Board of Supervisors.
Shenzhen Lions Club supervisor xiao Xingping, Deputy Supervisor Tan Feisupervisors, Secretary General Of tboard翻译he Board of Supervisors Xu Qiubin and supervisoboardingrs Wang Daoming, Li Zhou, Tang Haozhi, Zhu Feng, He Xinru and Huang Shaofang attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Xiao Xingping.
[Text] Zhosupervision是什么意思u Wenguang
[Photo] Zhou Wesupervisorsnguboardang
[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen
[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng
Shenzhen Lions Club

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