Deep lion fight disease | lion lion love infinite total outbreak of anti – shenzhen support, tatsuta streets of south Australia and epidemic prevention work

The epidemic is raging, but love cannot be stopped. In shenzhen solidarity fighting will be coronavirus pneumonia outbreak of the critical moment, shenzhen lions actively play the role of social organizlion怎么读ations, in tinfinitesimalhe streets of south Australia and tatsuta street didisease怎么读英语stricts need to epidemic prevention materials, the first time to give support, south Australia, tatsuta streets respectively donated a batch of goodsoutbreaks, servictotal wares, funds ofighting加油f 53252 yuan.
On February 21total, The Lions Club of Shenzanti是什么意思啊hen donated 500 N95 masks, 24 bottles of chlorine dioxide disanticipateinfectant, 2,000 pairs of medical gloves, 300 boxes of Hfighting是什么意思uoxiang Zlove直播破解版hengqi capsules, 100 boxes of Eight treasure gritsfighting加油, 1,200 boxes of instant noodles, and 100 boxes of mdisease和illness区别ineral woutbreak是什么意思ater to the epidemic pretotal摩托车vention work in The streets of Nan ‘ao,fighter with a service fund of 34,252 yuan.
Yin Kui, the leader of the Guidance and Service Group dispatcheliond by the Organization Deparinfinitesimaltment of the Municipal Party Committee to The South Auoutbreak是什么意思stralia Office, Chen Ma Lin, secretary of the Party Working Committeedisease造句 of the South Adeepnostalgiaustralia Sub-district, Shu SAN, Deputy Secinfinite是什么意思retary of the Partdisease翻译y Working Committee of the South Australia Sub-district and Director of the Office, Zhuang Jiinfinite怎么读a, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Solove直播破解版uth Australanti是什么意思啊ia Sub-district, Liu Bin, member of the Party Working Committee of the South Australia Sub-district, dapeng New District, Shenzfighting是什么意思hen, Shenzhen Lions Club president Weng Hua, the seconinfinite怎么读d vice president Guo Yongyong, secretary General Du Hengkun, Chief Financial Officer Pelion的中文意思ng Daojian, the secdeeplond distrinfinite是什么意思ict chairman Zhao Yunpeng, GST executive chaantiirman Li Bizhen and other more than 20 people participated in the nan ‘ao street material donation activities.
At the donation ceretotallymonyfighting, Weng Hua, Chairman of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, said that in order ttotalitariano cope with the challdisease是什么意思中文enges of epidemic pdeepestrevention and control brought by the tide returning to Shenzhen after the Holiday, shenzhen Municipal authorities have actively taken a number of measufighting是什么意思res, and the epidemidisease和illness区别c is now stable as a whole. As the first line of defense against the epidemic, the streetdisease同义词s are pllove is gone英文翻译aying an important role in the fight against the epidemic. On binfinitesimalehalf of nearly 4,000 lion friends of Shenzhtotal waren Lions Club, he thanked the frontlfight歌曲ine epidemic prevelionelntion personnel and the Nan ‘ao Street Party Committee for their contribution to ensuring the safedeeplyty of the party. He said that during theantimalware占用内存过高 epidemic, the Lions Club has actively carried out various epideinfinite paintermic prevention services and has invested nearly 6 million yuan in the services. Recentlytotal是什么意思中文翻译, in order to actively cooperatedisease是什么意思中文 with thelions英语怎么读 offilionkkciadeepl翻译l epidemic prevention and control work, shenzhen lions keep up with tinfinite flighthe pace of the official, to wuhan, shenzhen and other cities to epidemic prevention servilovealarmce by hosptotallyital donation masks, protective clothing, masks, breathing machine, such as materials, adjusted for key support shenzhen epidemic prevention work, make contriblion怎么读utionsdeepl下载 to build a community preventifight翻译on and control the bulwark of; At the same time, the Lions Cltotal翻译ub of Shenzhen will donate sympathy materials to familiantimalware占用内存过高es of the disabled in the city to provide themanti是什么意思啊 with more love and support.
Secretary Chen Ma expressed heartfelt thanks to the organization Depalove最新版官方下载rtment odisease是什么意思中文f the CPC Municipal Committee for sending the service team to south Australia for their concern about the epidemic. Shtotale also thankedlions英语怎么读 The Lions Club of Shenzhen for supporting the epidemic prevention work of South Australia Strlovely翻译eet Office and sending warmth to the frontline anti-epidemic workefighting加油rs. He saidinfiniteland the South Australian Road Office will continue to fight the epidemic prevention and control battle to ensure the safety of the party.
Yin Kui thanked The Lions Club of Stotal的副词henzhen for providing donation services for epidoutbreakeremic preventionfighting加油 materials in the streets of Nan ‘ao, and highlydeepl翻译 recognized that as a sodeepl下载cial organization, the Ltotallyions Club of Shenzhen has demonstrated a high sense of social responsibility and a sense of initiative in cooperating wiantidoteth the authoritielovelys in epidemic prevention and control. He said that this was also the high recognition and summary of Shtotal warenzhen Lions Club bylion复数 Lin Jie, standtotaleding Committee member of the Municipal Party Committlovely什么意思ee, when investigating the epidemic prevention work of shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation. He said that over the years, the Shenzhen Lions Club has made positive contributionslions to the society by keeping close contact with the City ddeepisabled Persons’ Federation with the aim of “helping otdeepesthers ainfinitelandnd serving the society”. Helove直播手机版app下载 highly praianti前缀selovely什么意思d the lion Friends for actively practicing the spirit of “disease怎么读英语four out”, aantibioticnd was proud ofinfinitesimal the City Disabled Persolove直播破解版ns’ Federation as the business unit responsiblovelyle for lions Club in Shenzhen. He encouraged the lion Friends to carry forward the spirit of pubdeepl翻译lic welfare and do better in public welfare undertlion是什么意思akings.
On the same day, Shenzhen Lions Club also donaoutbreakted 100 boxes of insinfinitelandtant noodles, 100 boxes of eight-bao congelione and 100 boxedeepl下载s of mineral water to the districtoutbreak电影 odisease翻译f Longtian Street, Pingshan District, with a service fund of 19,000 yuan.
【 Text 】 Su Zhuangbin
[Photo] Su Zhuangbin
[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen
【 Compositioninfinite怎么读 】 Hu & NBSP; &nbdeeplsp; grey
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Officoutbreak电影e

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