Notice | about apply for domestic lion federation “quality engineering” services listed on the notice

Service teams:
According to the notice of domestic Lions Association on launching “Warm Project”service是什么故障灯 service project listinfederationg work, the assodomestication翻译方法ciation plans to launch 100 new listabouttime免费观看ing jobs. Each sucqualitycessfully listed workstation will be given a service subsidserviceshelly of 5000 yuan. The publicity committee of the Federation will shoot publicity videos for the “Warm Project” worklionstations which have been listed in each region, and wfederation翻译hich are representative, sustainable and outstanding in performance, so as to widely spread the experience and reputation of brand projects and pengineeringvillagerovide the participation of service teams in each region. Specific listing content is as foaboutcg网站llows:
First, “warm engserviceshellineering” workstation listservice是什么意思车上的ing requirements
(1) There are fixed service places (communities, schools, seservicesrvice centers for theengineering是什么专业 disabled, non-profit nursingabout后面动词什么形式 homes, etc.).
(2) Promise to provide service for the applied workstation more than 4 times a year (more than 2 times in this year), and invest more than 20,000 yuan of service funds (including materials) each year, and provide continuous service for more than 2 years.
(3) Workstations that have received service subquality翻译sidies from China Lion Foundation are not allowed to apply again.
Second, the principle of distribution
The Domestic Lion Association proposed 100 pieces of new workstation listing, respectively: 70 pieces of directional listing, among whifederationch, shenzhen Lion Cluabout怎么读blions英语怎么读 applied for directional listing 8 pieces; According to the demand of listingnotice作文 30 yuan, by the federation service committee after thserviceshelle evaluation aengineering是什么意思英语nd approvaabout是介词吗l of distribution.
(a) service application is listed, should be the domestic lion fedservices怎么读英语eratabout翻译ion “quality engineering” service project approved application form (appendix 1) and the domestic lion federation project enginenotice过去式eservices翻译rinengineering翻译g to “warm” service agreement “(attachment 2) will fill in and submit the complete area, after checking by regional GST or service committee, unified service activities committee community worabout-facek groups submitted to cib. Application should be accompanied by 200 words, 2 pictures (more than 3M)
(II) Directed listing and on-demand listing application willdomestic读音 be carried out at the same time, and shenzhen Lservice是什么意思中文翻译ions Club will recommend them in accordance with the order of submission. The Service Committee of Lions Club will organize an evaluatioservice是什么意思n committee to maquality timeke a fdomesticinal review of all applications, and each successfuservice是什么故障灯l project will be given a one-time service subsidy of RMB 5000.
(III) Service teams that have bengineering是什么专业een lilionkksted in the “Warm Project” and have received the service sservices翻译ubsidy from China Lion Foundation should submit tquality的动词he report on the implementationnoticeable of the listnoticeableing Workstation for the two years 2017-2019 (Appendix 3).
3. Deadline and contact person
Deadline for submission: Marclionelh 27, 2020
Contact: Su Zhuangbin 15915444117, 0755-25688257
Thanknoticed you fquality怎么读or your strong support to the “warm project” listing work!
Attachment 1: Application form of “Warm Project” serviengineering什么意思ce Projecservices怎么读英语t of China Lions Association. XLS
Attachment 2: Service Agreement of “Warm Project” of China Lions Association. Docx
Annex 3: List of statistics on the execution of the listing worabout-facekstation of warmth Engineering. XLS
Shenzhen Lions Club & NBSP; lion怎么读
13 March 2020

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