Notice | about signing up for the second round of the lions club international the 58th annual southeast Asia registration notice

Dear Lion friend,
The 58th Lions International Southeast Asia Convention will be held in Hiroshima, Japan from Novembupser 7 to 10, 2019. In order to show the spirit of lions club to the meabout-facembers frsecond翻译om East Asia and Southeast Asia, and in response to the call of “The faboutcg网站irst round notice on organizing to particisigning是什么意思pate in the 58th Lions Club International Southeast Asia Annual Conference” issued by lions Clubupon of China, Shenzuponhen Lions Club will conscientiously organize lions club to particiround怎么读pate in this annual conference. In accordance with the spirit of the “Second Round Notice on Organizing to participate in the 58th Lions International Southeast Asia Annual Conference” issued by lions Association ofsecond的基数词 China, the second round of registration is hereby notifinotice的固定搭配ed as followrounds:
A, & have spent About lions Internatiaboutonal 58th Annual Conventnotice翻译ion in Southeast Asia
(a) & have spent time
Novembeaboutr 7th to 10th, 2019
(2)clubmed & have spent Meeting place
Green Arena/International Convenroundabouttion Center, Hiroshima, Jabout怎么读apan
(3) & have spent The schedule of
See Appendix 1 for details.
Senoticeablecond, & have spent About the registration
(1) Registration method
The resecond怎么读gistration wosigningrk will be organized by the association, and the regupistration fee will be remitted to thdesigninge Domestic Lion Association and will not be refunded. Considering the reaboutcg网站cent fluctuation of foreign currelions怎么读ncy exchange rate and overseas remittance fee, the regilions怎么读stration fee of thclub是什么意思is round will be converted into RMB at the exchange rate of 0.075 yen and remitted to the federation accounnotice的形容词t, includsecond什么意思ing the bank exchange fee.
All lions are required to rround函数怎么使用egister for the 58th Lions Internationainternational labour day翻译l Southeast Asia Conventsigning是什么意思ion. The registration fee is the entrance fee for the annual conference. After registration, you can receive the entrance tag,secondly conference brochure and badges at the csigning是什么意思onference venue.
(2) registration fee
1. Ciaa will only colup主lect and pay the registranotice同义词tinternationalworkers’day怎么读ion fees of registered members. According to the rules of the organizing Committee for the annual conference, the registration fee is as follows:
Before 12:00 am on September 24, 2019, the registration fee is 12,000 YEN per person (equivalent to RMB 900 YUAN);
From October 1, 2019, only on-site registration is available and the fee is 13,000 yen per person.
A totalabout of two rounds of collection and payment service are provided under the registration fee concessionary period. The first round of collection and payment has ended,club怎么读 now we start the second round of registround怎么读ration.
2. Members’ families and friendround函数怎么使用s
Members’ familsigningy menoticembersabout是什么意思 and friends should reground是什么意思啊ister through the registration interface on tlions翻译he official website of the annual confesecondrence.round英语怎么读 After successful regabout-faceistration, they must inform the district council so that the district Council can do the relevant statistical work well.
The annualabout后面动词什么形式 meeting of the website: http://oseal201lions的音标
(3) Method of payment
Registration fee shouldround函数怎么使用 be pclub是什么酒aid to the Lionaboutcg网站s Club office in Shenzhen. You can pay by cash olionsr credit card, wechat pay tabout-faceo “Huashi Online”, or by transfer to the following accinternational英语ount:
Account name: Shupstairsenzhen Lions Club
Bank name: Shanghai Pudong Developmeninternationalismt Bank, Shennan Middle Road Branch
Account number: 7913015lions是什么意思5260000178
Please note winternationalworkers’day怎么读hen transferring: name + service team + southeast Asia annual conference registration.
(iv)lions的音标 Rabout是什么意思egistration method
After the transfer, please be suinternationally歌曲re to submit the regroundup函数是什么意思istration Form for the 58th Annual Conference of Southeast Asia (see attachment 2) to szlround函数怎么使用
Three, & have spent Otherabout Matters needlion是什么意思中文翻译ing attention
(I)signing是什么意思 Hotel reservation
All registerenotice作文d members are requdesigningested toroundabout take care of themselves, the assointernationally歌曲ciation will no longer collect and pay related fees.
The hotel booking interfinternational labour day翻译ace of the official website of the annual conference provides a number of hotels cooperating with the organizing committee for younoticedr reference. httnotice用法ps:// Pleaseroundup公式怎么用 book early if necinternational翻译essary.
(2) On innoticedvestment promotion and exhibition
Members with relevsigningant requirements, plround是什么意思啊ease feel free to contact. The official contact email of the organizing Committee of the Annual Meeting
Four, & havround是什么意思啊e spent The contaclub怎么读ct
1. Registration Contact:
Huang Xinran, tel: 25second什么意思689752
2. Financiabout是介词吗al Contact:
Peng Li, tel: 2568 8519&NBsp;
3. Email
Welcome lion friends to register!
Schedule of the 58thnotice翻译 Annual Conference of Southeast Asia. XLS
58th Annual Southeast Asia Conference Registration form.doc
Shenzhen Lions Club 2019-2020
Chairmaclub怎么读n of tnotice翻译he Internationalup是什么意思呢 Convention Conotice的固定搭配mmittee: Dongsecondary Shige
Executive Chairmenlions怎么读: Zhan Wenli, Zhang Jinlian, Cheinternational翻译n Heng
30 August 2019

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