Mileage Service Team: Hold the first captain’s team meeting of 2019-2020

On July 20, 2019, the first captain team meeting of The 2019-2020 Lions Club Miles Service Team was held in the 16thold翻译h floor of Guanghao International Center,captain喵队长微博 Lonmeeting翻译ghua District. Fourteencaptain什么意思中文 people attended the meeting, including Yang Shuijin, chairman of The third District of Shenzhen Lions Club, Xiong Qi, chold的过去形式aptain of the mileage Service Team, Huang Weiqiang, Wang Shu, Chang Hongliacaptain缩写ng, secretary Gao Liping and Treasurer Zhong Yinghui. Xiangshan Service team captain Lei Shenmeeting翻译gzhu and other five people attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Xiong Qicaptain的意思.
Each team membmileageplus是啥轮胎er received a warm greeting card and a rose from Xcaptain怎么读iong Qi, and secrecaptain泰国演员tary Gao Liping prepared fruit, tea and nuts for the pteam什么意思articipants.holding New Year, service lion friends need to pay attention to every detail.
Xiong qi thankehold是什么意思d Yang Shuijin for their harmileage怎么读d work and laid a solimileageplus是啥轮胎d foundation for this yearcaptain什么意思中文‘s work. He presented warm greeting cards and roses toteams thecaptain members of the new team leteamproader, and delivered a messaservice和serve的区别ge for the New Year, hoping everyone to serve wimileage怎么读th heart and make the clubhold的过去式和过去分词 with love. Hhold翻译e introduced that in the New Year, the mileage service team will take “team leaderhold键是什么功能 decisimeeting是什么意思中文翻译on-making, special working group mainly planning and implementation” as the overall plan, highlightmeeting腾讯会议ing the function of team leader, pooling lion friends shold过去式trength to domeeting a good job of seteamviewerrvicemeeting是什么意思, strengthen the interaction betweemileage是什么轮胎n lion friends, serviccaptain什么意思中文e and care. He hservice的名词oped that the newserviceman team members would have thhold的过去式和过去分词e courage to take responsibility and give full play to their wisdom to lead the team forward.
At the meeting, the lion friends discussed and afirst怎么读ppromileageplus是啥轮胎ved the contents of the captain’s team manual, including the lion work, key service project plan, the captain’s team rules, the proposal of the special working group, the proposal of the special commcaptain的意思ittee, the lion friends’ award selection and the new annual service schedule, etc.
In the “mileage mileage, bright future. Heaholdrt miles, love home, male!” “, the first captain team meeting of mileage Service Team 2service是什么意思019-2020 was successfully concluded.
Text/picture contributed by mileage Sercaptainvice team

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