Shenzhen Lions Club Internet public Information Platform management regulations

Article 1 & have spentIn order to strengthen the management of Shenzhen Lions Club (hereinafter referred to as “WWF”) wechat officialpublic翻译 accountregulations怎么读, wechat group and otlionsh深圳疫情er Internet public informationlions是什么意思 platforms, According to the state Internet information office released “Internet user account information public service management rinformation的形容词egulationsregulations是什么意思“, “Internet information services group management regulations”lions翻译中文, issued by the national federation ofshenzhen the disabled affairs on the nationinformational disabled persons’ federation “two micro end” construction promotion notclubmed官网预订ice and domestic lion federation (hereinafter referred to as the “federation”)深圳市最新疫情 issuepublicize翻译d “on th深圳e strengthpublic是什么意思enimanagement是什么意思中文翻译ng of WeCclub是什么酒hat public account, Notice on the Standardized Management of Wechat Group and other Internet Public Inlions读音formation Platforms These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Artinternet的前身icles of Association of Shenzhen Lions Club and relevant provisions.
Article 2: Operation Tenet of the Platform
Using rigorous objective, eaclub是什么酒sy to understand laninternetguagepublic翻译 and images, video, and other forms of public benefits output content, combined with our brand service, community spublic404html乱ervice activities, such as national important festivals and memorial day set topic, regular,management专业 tend to give priorinternet是什么意思ity to push, positive, healthy, promote the propalionsgateganda of sociaclub是什么意思list core values, enhance our public influence.
Article 3 the Content Publishing Principles
(1) “Who isinternet起源于 responsible for publishing”;
(2) “review before disclosure”;
(3) “Case of first insplatform中文是什么意思tance”.
Article 4. Content standards
(1) The content to be publiinformation怎么读英语shepublicd shall be concise, logical, well-founded, authentic, accurate and timelinternet的前身y. When necessary, the subject may be appropriately sublimated, but the speech representing personal views, opinions and emotiinformation什么时候加sons shall not be published without authorizatio深圳n;
(2) Prohibit the release of marketingregulation是可数名词吗 cinternet翻译ontent or other commercial content involving the use of “financial mutual assistance”, “lion是什么意思中文翻译love and charity”, “virtual currplatform怎么记忆ency”, “e-coplatform是什么文件夹mmerce”, “weclub是什么意思chat minternet是什么类型的网络arketing” and other kinds of planning and organization;
(3) It is strictly prinformation怎么读英语ohibited to release information involving religion, pornography, gambling, violence and other cont深圳疫情最新动态ents;
(4) It is strictly prohibited to spread rumors, disturb social order, and violate social ethics andplatform编译半天 uncivilized contmanagement是什么意思中文翻译ents;
(lion是什么意思中文翻译5) It is strictly prohibited to release informationplatform中文是什么意思 that is not verified or violates relevant national laws and regulations;
(6) It isplatform是什么文件夹 strictly prohibited to release information irrelevant to the lion work of theclub翻译 Association,internet选项 inconsistent wilions读音th the nature, image damage aclubsnd other laws and regulations prohibit the release of informatiointernet是什么类型的网络n;
(7) All the tiinternet翻译tles in the text, pilion是什么意思中文翻译ctures and videos must be the stlion是什么意思andard titles stipulated by the Association, and the graded titles are Shenzhen Lioplatform怎么读英语ns Club, XX Service teainformation怎么读m leader, etc. Personnel, nainternet选项mely, suclub是什么酒pervislions翻译中文or, the previous President, vice Presidelion是什么意思中文翻译nt of the first and second deputy President, a former President, the Presimanagement是什么意思中文翻译dent, vice supervisor, secreplatform翻译tary-general, chief financial officer, dean of general affair, long picket, deputy secretary-general, deputy secretary-gen深圳市最新疫情eral, the chairman of the zone, partition, supervi深证指数sors, President, chairman of the special assistant, sm, XX specialized work head (head)/executivregulations是什么意思e chairman (lionsdeputy head), Service team leader, former team leader, first vice captain, second vice captain, third vice cclubmed官网预订aptain, team leader, former teamlions英语怎么读 leader, secretary, finance, general amanagement游戏ffairs, picketing, team leader, etc.;
(8) Carepublicationfully publish pictures and video content. Pro深圳天气hibit Postinplatform是什么文件夹g pictures that are not in conformity with rplatformapieality or in violation of national laws, avoid directly Postingmanagement是什么意思中文翻译 pictures involving the recilions是什么意思pient’深圳疫情最新动态s face and privacy (exc深圳天气ept with my consent), reduce or avoid Posting a large number of photos or imagepublicizes inconsistent witinterneth the theme activities;
(9) It isplatforms forbidclub翻译den to publish reports, complaints and resinformation和message区别ignations. Report, complaint and other relevant contents can be submitted by mail, written repregulation是可数名词吗ort and other forms to the picket chief, disciplinary commlions读音ittee or board of Supervisors, shenzhen Lions club will investigate and deal with according to the relevant system. If you resign, you must submitpublic怎么读 a written report, which will be handled by Shenzhen Lions Clu深圳疫情b according to深圳地铁线路图 relclub怎么读evant regulations.
(10) It is forbiddeinternet起源于n to post words attacking othermanagements or service teams. If there are any irregularities in lion activitieslions翻译中文, it is suggested to informplatform中文是什么意思 the other party in private and communicate withplatform翻译 them orderly, or report the situation to the chief of picket, disciplinary committee or board of Supervisors, and the commission will investigatplatformapie and undeclubman是什么牌子车rstand and solve the problem.
Article 5. Review process
(I) The chairman of the Public Relations and Publ深圳风险等级icity Comclubmittee (hereinafter referred topublicize翻译 as the Publicity Committee) is the person responsible for the supervision of the platform content, who is responsible for organizing and leplatform的中文arning the content of national policy meetings, keeping up with the situation, and cpublicizingontrolling the scale of publicity; Review articles according to the content standards, and observe the dynamic of false comments and malpublicizeicious comments under the published content of the network platform accounts, timely and properly maintain the public image of THE Association, anpublic怎么读d promote, guide and coordinateinternet the publiplatform是什么文件夹city work of the information platform under the supervision of the principle oinformation和message区别f “promoting social positivplatform什么意思e energy”.
(2) The network information pclubmanlatform account of THE Association is created by the Associapublic是什么意思tion, the Secretary-general arranges the publicity specialist to operate theinformation什么时候加s account, and th深圳地铁线路图e chairman of the Publicity Committee and the Director general are responsible for the supervision of thinternet协议e content.
(3) Information issueinformation和message区别d by the Commission must be approved by the chairman, director general, secretary General and president of the Publicity Committee before it iregulationss released; Importainternet是什么类型的网络nt documents related深圳大学 to the municipal Disabled Persons’ Fepublic404html乱deration and other administrative departments should be approved by the compepublicize翻译tent departmeregulation什么意思nts.
(iv) The Internet group esmanagementtablished by the Associatiinternet起源于on (hereinafter referred to as “official group”) only authorizes the staff of the office to implement the management of adding members to the group, and any othinformation可数吗er members have no right to add members to the grou深圳大学p. The Office reserves the right to remove members added to the group withinformation什么时候加sout permission.
(v) Internet groups (wechat ginternet翻译roup, QQ group, etc.) established by specialiclub翻译zed work organizations and service teams shall be rmanagement是什么意思英语eported to the Commission for internal management. Internet group founders and mamanagement是什么意思英语nagers shall perform group management responinformation可数吗sibilities and be supervised by the cpublichief of pickets, disciplinary committee and supervisory committee.
(6) Each service team must fclub是什么酒ill in the Network Platform Information Reporting Form to register its network pla深圳风险等级tform account (wechat public account, eclubmedtc.), and can publish informatlions翻译ion and pushregulations manuscripts only after obtaining the approval oclubmanf saIFA and FEDERATION for filplatform什么意思ing. The pushed manuscripts must strictly abide by the publishing principles and content standards, and can be published only after being reviewed and approved by the service team leader.
(7) Unapproved platform accounts with the words olionsf “Domest深圳大学ic Lions Association”, “Shenzhen Lions Club”, “Shenzhen Lions Club”, “Shenzhen Lions Club ** Service Team” ainformation是什么意思中文nd “Shenzheplatform的中文n Lions Club ** Service Team” shall be suspended, as well as informal platform accounts with the main content of relinternet是什么类型的网络einformation怎么读asing relevant information of the Association and the Associatiinternet是什么意思on.
(information翻译8) Groups that深圳风险等级 have not reported for approval must be dissolved immediaclub翻译telshenzheny. Any group created by meinformation的形容词mbers or non-members s深圳疫情最新消息hall not be named with the names related to “Domestic Lions Association”, “Shenzhen Lions Club”, “Shenzhclub翻译en Lions Club ** Sepublic404html乱rvice Team”, “Shenzhen Lions Club ** service Team”. If therinformation和message区别e is any incident that damages the image of the club, the club and its members, lions Club of China and Lions Club of Shenzhen have the right to hold the group founder responsible.
(IX) Official wechat group members must be full members, nplatform中文是什么意思on-members and retired members are not allowed to join thelionsgate group. After joining the group, members should timely modify the remarks of the name, reflected in “servplatform中文是什么意思ice team + real name”, “professional work organization + real name”, etc. The office reserves the right to remove gclub用英语怎么说roup members who are notlions翻译 identified with their r深圳市最新疫情eal names and service teams.information怎么读英语
Armanagement怎么读音ticle 6. Provisions onmanagement游戏 disposal of responsible persons
(1) “He who builds the group is responsible”. Group founders, group owners and administrators are responsible forpublic翻译 managemeregulations翻译nt, and should do a good job in verifying thclub是什么酒e identity of the group members, adhere to the correct guidance, and maintain aclub用英语怎么说 good network ecology.
(2) If members create netplatform怎么读英语workclub用英语怎么说 platform accounts and register Internet groups (such as wechat group and QQ group) without approval, THE Assoinformation怎么读英语ciation has the right to stop and give warning, internal notice criticisregulationsm and other punishments.
(iii) If meplatformmbers, sepublicityrvice teams and specialized work organizations publicize through wechat public account and other network plaregulationstforms without approval, and cause bad influence, THE Association has the right to stop impublic怎么读properplatform什么意思 words and deeds, and giplatformve warning, internal notice of criticismmanagement游戏 and other punishments, and reserves the right to investigate thplatform中文是什么意思eir legal responsibilities.
(4) Service teams and members who violate this notice shall not participate in the selection activities of variplatform什么意思ous awards of the Association wi深证指数thin the yplatformapiear of violation. Members who violate this notice shall not run for election for directors andregulations supervisors of the next year aninformation和message区别d shall not hold various positions of the district committlionsee of the next yeaplatform怎么读英语r.
(v) Members, service teams and specialized work organizainformation和message区别tions that rinternet协议epeatedly violate the propaganda disclubman是什么牌子车cipline and cause bad effects can be cancelled their membership, service teams and posts after deliberation and approval by the council of SAEFI.
(6) In case of violation of laws and regulations, relevant records will be kept and reported to relevant departments.
Article 7. This remanagement游戏gulatipublic404html最新网站on shall come into深圳地铁线路图 forc深圳天气e upon adoption by thregulation是什么意思英语e first board of directors of S深圳天气henzhen Lions Club 2019platformapi-2020 on Oct深圳市最新疫情ober 15, 2019.
Article 8.&internet是什么意思nbsp; The council reserves the right to interpret the provisions of this work.
Attachmpublic翻译ent: Shenzhen Lions Club Netwopublicrk platform information report form

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