Mileage Service team: inaugurating the 2019-2020 annual change of leadership

On August 18, 2019, the inaugural ceremony of the 2019-2020 lions Club Mileage Service Team was held in Guanghateamso International Center, Lteamonghua District. Shenzhen lions club President WengHua, first vice President zhi-qiang l嫦娥u, deteamputy secretary-general zha嫦娥ng jian, chiefleadership需要具备哪些能力 financial officer Peng Daojian, dean of generannualsal affair Liao Ronghui, deputy secretary-general Li Feng, deputy smileage怎么读ecretary-general Mileadership是什么意思英语aoJun scene, the first chairman of the zone Cui Weiinauguration是什么意思ying, partition chairman Famileage是什么牌子轮胎ng Shilei, shui-jin Yang, Zhang Zheqin, Tang Quanhui, kevinbales,mileageplus是啥轮胎 new, li xiaofeng, Wu Jinzhi Weileadership翻译 Xin, well, Chservice和serve的区别iMingHui, dong-mei Chen Ming, liu li the sea, Tan Fei, secretary general of the Board of Supervisors, Wu Zewei, Li Wenqiu, captain liu Hongwleadershipen of yunnan Representative Office lion service team, mile service team lion friends, their families and caring people attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Xu Sanjun and Mr. Huang Weiqiang aannual英语怎么读s chairman of the coteam什么意思nference.
Feng Qijianleadership需要具备哪些能力g, former captain of the mileage service team, intrmileageoduced the district leaders and guests to the scene. Mr. Wong wai Keung delivered a welcome speemileage是什么牌子轮胎ch, thanking everyone foteams会议r their continued support and encouragement to the Mileage Service Tservice和serve的区别eam.
Yang Shuijinteam是什么意思翻译, the last team leader, made a summary of the work in 2018-2019. Last year, under the leadership of Yang Shuijin, mileage Service team achieved excellent results in four service projects, such as “Extraordinary School”, Red Action, community assistance for the disabled and Yunnan Education. He looked back on his lion roainaugurationd journey and exprechangessed gratitude for accompanying his family, lion friends, brothers, leaders, etc. He also expressed gteambitionratimileage是什么牌子轮胎tumileage怎么读de foservice是什么意思中文翻译r the joy and嫦娥奔月的读音 touching brought by mile Service team, which嫦娥奔月的故事 enabled him to grow and gain all the way.
CAI Yunxi ma嫦娥四号探测器在哪发射de a detailed and clear repoannual的名词rt on tchangeshe financiaservice的名词l work of 2018-201annualized9. Last year, the financial expenditure of the mileage Service team was in accordance with the financial management reguleadership英文解释lations of Shenzhen Lions Club, and 100% of the donations were used for each project.
Under the witness of leaders lion friends and guests, Yang Shchangeduijin solemnly handed over the ribbon and scepter to captain Xiong Qi, which isservice和serve的区别 also the delivermileage是什么轮胎y of glory and responsibiteamviewerlity, congratulleadership的中文意思ations to Captain Xileadership是什么意思英语ong Qi’s glorious appointmenleadership的四种类型t.
Captain Xiong Qi shared the 2019-2020 annual plan with enthusiasm. Hannualse introduced that the focus of the New Year’s work is to develop the mileage service team into a “double hundred” service team, continue to carry forward the four major projects,inauguration while sleadership是什么意思trengthening the care and sservicemanervice for lion friends, so that all lion friends truly feel the “heart miles, love home” spirit of service.
Under the leadership of Chaimileageplus是啥轮胎rman Cui Weiying, Captain Xiong Qi l嫦娥五号ed the team member嫦娥五号s to make the inaugural pledge. The scene was solemn and sacred.
President Weng Hua gave a speech and highly apprmileageeciateservice是什么意思中文翻译d the mileage Service team. He minauguration翻译entioned that the mileage service team initially lauleadershipnched the red action under the leadership of Chen Shijun and Feng Qijmileageplus是啥轮胎iang under the efforts ofteam是什么意思翻译 previoservice和serve的区别us captains. Now thteam是什么意思翻译e project has become a branservice和serve的区别d project of the district council and is popular all ove嫦娥古诗r the coumileage是什么轮胎ntry, which fully demonstrates the wisdserviceom and strength of the mileage servicteambitione teamteams. He praisedmileages the mileage Service for cutting back on the time of honors and recognition at the gala, leaving the stage t嫦娥奔月的读音o the “extraordinary school” childreleadershipn. He felt that the spontaneous donation of many guests and lion friends at the ceremony was a high嫦娥四号探测器在哪发射 recognition of the excteamellent team mileage Service team, but also the affirmation of the personality charm of each team leader. He called on everyone to continue their efforts to drive social forces and jointly open up a better future for mileage Service teams.
Text/picture contributed by mannuallyileage Service team

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