Revised draft of Shenzhen Lions Board of Supervisors System

Revised draft of Shenzhen Lions Board of Supervisors System
(Approved by the seventeenth Congress of Shenzhen Lions Club)
Chapter I General Provissystem是什么程序ions
Article 1 with a&draftsnbsp; In order to i深圳市最新疫情mprove the supervision mechsupervisorsanism of Shenzhen Lions Club and promote the healthy develoboard的中文意思pment of the club, this system is formulated in accordance with the Artiboardwalkcles of Association of Shenzhen Lions Club and relevant laws and regulations on the management of so深圳疫情cialboard的中文意思 organizations.
Article 2supervisory: The boarddraftsman of Supervisors is the supervisory body of the Association and responsible to the general assemblions的音标ly of members. When the general assembly is not in session, the Board of Supervisors shall exercise supervision duties and supervise the work of the council and the standing Council in accordance with laws an深圳疫情最新动态d regulations and the association’s articles and rules.
Article 3 the The board of supervisors should pay equal attention to both substantive and procedural supervision, csupervisor翻译ombine supervision with service and guarboardwalkantee, and combi深证指数ne supervision before and during the深圳疫情最新动态 event with supervision after the event.
Article 4. Supervisors shall be incorrupt, self-disc深圳疫情最新动态iplined, integrity-based, adhere to principlesrevise的意思 andsystem函数 act in a fair manner, ensure that they are not in an offside position, are in a good position and are noboard怎么读英语t absent from their positions in the course of superlions怎么读vision, and consciboard怎么读英语entiously perform their supervrevise的意思isory duties.
Article 5. system怎么读 The boasupervisoryrd of Supervisors and its supervisors are subject to the supervision of the members of the association and are responsible to the general assembly of membsysteminfoers.
Chapter ii formation of the Boarddraftsight of Supervisors
Adrafts是什么意思中文rticle 6. The board of Supervisors is thdraftsmane supervlions英语怎么读isory body of the Association and responsible to the general assembly of members. When the general assemblion是什么意思中文翻译ly is not in session, the board of Supervisors shall exercise supervision duties in accordance with lasystem32可以删除吗ws and regulations, the assocboardsiation’s articles and relevant systems.
The members oflions读音 the board of Supe深证指数rvisors are elected by the general assesupervisor是什么意思mbly olions的音标f members. The term of office of the supervisor is one year, startingboard的中文意思 from July 1 of each year to June 30 of the following year. Members of the board of supervisors, in addition to the chairman, may run for re-election, but not more than three terms. Directors, members of specialized working organizatiorevised翻译ns, close relatives of directors and financial personnel of saEFI shall not concurrently serve as supervisors.
The selection of the board olionsf supervisors shlion是什么意思中文翻译all fully consider tsystem占用cpu过高he universality and representativeness of the board of supervisors, and the candidates recommended by each service team shall not exceed 2, whose candidates shall be decided by the service team leader.
If a supervisor fails to attend two meetings of the board of supervisors during his/her term of office, he/she shall automatically lose his/her position and be replaced by an alternate supervisor.
Article 7. Basic深圳市最新疫情 qualifications of supervisors:
(a) & have spent Has served as a director or supervisor of the Association;
(2) & have spent Candidate forevised是什么意思r supervisor should havedrafting served as the president of the Association;
(3) & have spent Under the age of 7lions的音标0;
(4) & have spent Be healthy and able to work normally;
(5) & have spent Having never been subjected to criminal punishment;
(6) & have spent Having full capacity for civil conduct.
Article 8. During the term of offlions翻译ice, the supervisor shall not concurrently be a member of the council, a member of the committee or a staff member of the office.
Article 9. Supervisors enjoy the right to know, the righdraft啤酒t to investigate, thedrafts是什么意思中文 right to inquire, the right to make proposals and other supervisory rights.
Article 1lions的音标0.&nblion是什么意思sp; A member of the board of supelions翻译中文rvisors who is moved to be removedboard和broad怎么区分 shall, with the consent of more than two-thirds of all the supervisors,board怎么读英语 suspend the duties of the supervisor and report to the nextrevise的名词形式 meeting of the members’ repsupervisor和manager区别resentatives for approval.
Chapter III Functions and Powers of the Board of Sulionspersystemvisors
Article 11 & NBSP; Authority of the Board of Supervi深圳天气sors
(arevise的名词) & have spent Report to the member representative assembly on tsystem是什么程序he annual work of the Board of Supersupervisor是什么意思visors;
(2) & have spent To supboardgameervise the council and the specialized working institutions to comply with the national laws and regulations, the association’s constitrevise的中文意思ution, rules and regulations and to implement the resolutions of the general assboardsembly of members, and to put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the Council and the staboard和broad怎么区分nding Council. The深圳 Board of Directorboard是什么意思s shall timely reply in writing to the written opinions and suggestions put forward by the board o深圳天气f supervisors.
(3) & have spent Attend meetings of councilsupervisory and standing Council as non-voting delegates. The board of Supervisors shall notify the board of supervisors three days in advance oflion是什么意思中文翻译 the conveboard翻译ning of the board of directors and the executive directors’ meeting and inform the agenda of the meeting, and the resolutionssystem made at the meeting shall be delivered to thdraft什么意思e Board odraft翻译f Supsupervisor中文意思ervisors in tisupervisor中文意思me. If the resolution of the board of Directors or the executive board meeting violsystem函数ates laws and regulations, the association’s constitution and rules, or dsupervisor是什么级别amages the interests andboarding reputation of the Associatiorevised翻译n, the board of Supervisors shall make a motionlions读音 and rrevise的中文意思equest thesystem32 Board of Supervisors to review the originadrafting是什么意思l resolution of the Board of directors; Supervisors who attlionsend meetings and servisupervisorsce activities have the right to express theisupervisor是什么级别r supervisory opinions before the ensysteminfod of meetings or activities.
(4) & have spent When the behavio深圳疫情最新消息r of the council members violates the constitutiboardingon and rules and seriously damages the interests of the Counciboardwalkl, they have the right to ask them to correct; If it stisystem怎么读ll does notdraft翻译 correct, the board of Supervisors may make a motio深圳疫情n to suspend the directlions翻译中文or, and the Board of Supervisors shall convene a meetingboarding to decide whether to suspenlionsgated the director;
(5) & have spent To supervise and inspect the financial work of the S深圳地铁线路图aEFA, have the right to examine the financial books and relevant documents, and put forwalions的音标rd rectification suggestions on the budget and final accounts of the SaEFA; To organize annual and special audit of the financial affsystem怎么读aisupervisor翻译rs of sadrafts是什么意思中文EFI by thi深圳风险等级rd-party audit institutions;
(6) & have spent S深证指数upervise the qualification confirmation and corresponding procedures of the participants of the general assembly, the council and the standing council, supdrafting是什么意思ervise the election and appointment and removal of theshenzhen Council in strict accordance with the art深圳疫情最新动态icles of association and ruldrafting是什么意思es and regulatrevised翻译中文ions;
(7) & have spent Accept the complaints filed by the members oflionsgate the asdraftssociation or the service team agaidraft啤酒nst the members of the association presdraft啤酒ident’s team, the council members, the chairman of the committeeboard是什么意思 andboarding other management personnel whdraft什么意思o v深圳iolate the rules and reguladraftsmantions or damage the interests of the Association; Accept and alions读音ccept complaints fsupervisor是什么级别rom members who are not satisfied wisupervisoryth the disciplin深圳市最新疫情ary decisions made by the Council, and organize investigations and hearings on complaints or complaints;
(eight) & have spent Exercise other functions and powers delegated by the general assembly.
Chapter iv Structure of the Boa深圳rd of Supervisors
Article 12. The board of supervisors shall have a chief supervisor, a depurevise的名词形式ty chief supervisolions英语怎么读r and several supervisorboard的中文意思s. The board of Superdrafts是什么意思中文vis深圳风险等级ors shall have an odd number of not mordraft什么意思e t深圳地铁线路图han 15 members.
Article 13. The main duties of the supervisor
(1system函数) To carry out work in accordance with this system;
(ii) to put forward pr深圳市最新疫情oposals and suggestions for the supervision and standardization of the Association;
(3) Accordisupervisor是什么职位ng to the internal division of labor of the Board oboardgamef Supervisors, to complete various wdraftsightorks within the scope of the dboard和broad怎么区分ivision of responsibilities;
(4) As appointed blions是什么意思y the Board of supervisors or entrusted by the chairman of the board of supervisors, attend various meetings within the scope of supervision as non-voting observers and give opinions on supervision;
(5) Tosysteminfo comsupervisor翻译plete various temporary works as designated by the board of supervisor深圳天气s or entrusted by the ch深圳疫情airman of supervisors;draft翻译
(6) Attend working meetirevisedngs of the Board of Supervisors and exercise the right to vote in accboardwalkordance with this system;
(7) Exercise otherlions怎么读 supervisory powers according to the articles and rules of tdrafts是什么意思中文he Association.
Article 14. The chief supervisor’s main duties
(1) To convene and preside over meetings of the Board of Supervisors;
(2) signing resolutions and other documents of the board of supervisors;
(3) to arrange the routine work of the Boarddrafting是什么意思 of supervisors and appoint the supe深圳地铁线路图rvisors to reprlionsgateesent the Board of supervisors in exercising their functions and powers or in charsystematicgesupervisor是什么职位 of temporary specific work;
(4) Exercise other powers and powers of the supervisor according to the articles and rules of the Assolions是什么意思ciation.
The deputy chief of supervisors shall assist深圳疫情最新动态 the chief of supervisors in carrying out the work of theboard和broad怎么区分 Board of supervisors. When the chief oboard和broad怎么区分f supervis深圳ors does not perform or cannot perform his duties, the deputy chief of sboard什么意思翻译upervisorboard和broad怎么区分s shall temporarily exercise the duties of the chief of supervisors.
Article 15 & NBSP; The bosystem函数ard of Supervisors shall have a secretary general and several secretariat staff appointed by the chief supervisor.
Article 16 & NBSP; The board of supervisors shall have a supelions怎么读rvisiboard和broad怎么区分on committee for conference affairs and foreign exchange, a financial supervision committeeboard和broad怎么区分, an election supervision committee, an appeal hlions的音标andling committee, etc. The chairrevised是什么意思man and theboarding executive chairman shall be appointed by the chief of supervisors.
Article 17. According to the work needs,revise的名词形式 the Board of Supervisors may appoint several superv深圳天气isors to assist the board of supervisors in carrying out its work.
Chapter v Thesystem32 working organization and functionsboard of the Board of Supervisors
Article 18. Conference affairs and Foreign Exchange Suboard怎么读英语pervision Committee
(I) Responsible for supervising the counrevise的意思cil and the standing Council to comply with the rules and regusystem是什么程序lations of the Asysteminfossociation andrevise的中文意思 implement深圳疫情最新消息 re深圳疫情最新动态levant resolutions. If the resolution made by the Board of Directors is found to be in vboard的中文意思iolaboard什么意思翻译tion of relevant lawdrafting是什么意思s and regulatilions怎么读ons as well as the rules and regulations of the Bodraftingard of Supervrevise的名词形式isors, it shall submit a wrboard是什么意思itten opinion of handling to the Board of Supervisors;
(II) Responsible fodrafting是什么意思r the supervision ofsystem占用cpu过高 the association and tlions是什么意思he service team external friendship meetinrevised是什么意思gs, external contacts, esupervisor是什么意思tc. In case of any violation of the Foreign Affairs Management Syssystem是什么意思tem of The Domestic Lions Association and the relevant provisions of the Association in the work of the friendship meeting and foreign communication, it shall submit written opinions to the Board of Supervisors.
Article 19. Financial Oversight Committee
(I) To be responsirevised是什么意思ble for supervising the implementation of the budget and final accounts of the Commission as well as the dasupervisor是什么级别ily financsystem是什么程序ial woboard是什么意思rk such as fund operation;
(ii) If the financial wolions英语怎么读rk oboard是什么意思f saEFI is found to be in深圳地铁线路图consistent witboardgameh the national and local financial laws and regulations and rules and regulations of SAEFI, or the financial budget and final account dasystemmage the interests of SAsystem是什么程序EFI, it shall submit written handling opinioboard怎么读英语ns t深圳市最新疫情o the Board of Sboardwalkupervisors;
(lions英语怎么读iii) Rsupervisorsesponsible for organizing the annual audit and special audit of the filions翻译中文nancial affairs of saEFI by the third party alions英语怎么读udit institution.supervisor什么职务
Article 20. Election Supervision Commission & NBSP;
(a) & have spent To supervise the elions的音标lection of the annual president, vice president, director,lions英语怎么读 chief supervisor, deputy chief sulionspervisor and chief supervisor. In case of reports of integrity or other problems of the candboard翻译idates registered or recommended, responsible for verifying and submitting wriboard怎么读英语tten handling opsystem是什么意思inions to the Board of Supervisors;
(2) & have spent Report to the Board of Supervisors when finding any irregularities in the election process.
Article 21 & NBSP;Complarevisedints Handling Committee
(1) Accept complaints filed by saEFI members or service teams against management personn深圳天气el such as saEFI president team members, council members andrevised是什么意思 committee深证指数 chairmen that damage srevisedaEFI interests; Accept complaints from members who are not satisfied with the disciplinary decision maddrafting是什么意思e by the Board of Supervisors, organize investigations and hearings on complaints or complaints, and ssupervisor是什么级别ubmit investigation reports and ddraftsmanisposal opinions to the Board of Supervisors;
(2)board翻译 It shall fully investigate and verify the matters accepted and cosupervisor是什么职位nvene a hearing meeting.
Chapter VI Meetings of the Boaboardgamerd of Supervisors
Article 22 Threvise的名词e Board of Supervisors shall hold at leastdrafts是什么意思中文 one meetlion是什么意思ing of the board of Supervisors every quarter. Each meeting shall be convelionsgatened only when more than two-thirds of the superviboard是什么意思sors are present, and itslions的音标 resolution shall be approved onsystem怎么读ly when more tsystem函数han two-thirds of the supervisors present agree. Under spesupervisor翻译cial circumssupervisor什么职务tances, the board of supervisors may adopt a written vote upon the proposal of the chief of supervisors aboard和broad怎么区分nd the unanimous conslion是什么意思中文翻译ent of more than two-thirds of the supervisors.
When a resolution iboardss made in accordance with the provisions ofboard什么意思翻译 article 11 (3), (4) and (7) of this system, the resolution shall be approved by more than two-thirds of all the ssystem函数upervisors.
Article 23 Temporary meetisystem翻译ngs of the board of supervisors may be held upon the psysteminforoposlionsgateal of the chairman of the board of supervisors or at least one third oflions翻译中文 the board of supervisors. The interim meeting of the board of Supervisors shall be convened within three working days from the datedrafting是什么意思 of the proposal. If the chief of supervisors is unable to attend due to special reasons, the deputy chief of supervisors ordraft翻译 other supervisors designated by theboard什么意思翻译 chief of supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting.
Article 24 Minuteslionsgate of meetingsdrafts of the Board of Supervisors shadraft啤酒ll be formed to record in detail the decisions, voting results and personnel present at meetings.
Chlions是什么意思apter VII Supplementary Provisions
Article 25 The board of Supervisors mayrevised翻译中文 formulate implementation rules according to this system.
Article 26system翻译 This system willdraft在国际贸易中的意思 come into effect adraftsightfter the深圳地铁线路图 17th Liodraftsns Club congress of Shenzhen deliberatelions的音标d and passed on April 20, 2019system翻译.
Article 27&nbboardingsp; Tsupervisor什么职务he board of Supervisors shall be responsible for the revision of this system, and the revision shall be submrevise的意思itted to the general assembly for approval before it becomes effective.
Articl深圳天气e 28 深圳 The worklions翻译中文 expenses of the board of Supervisors shall be included in the budget of tdraft在国际贸易中的意思hlions英语怎么读e membership fees collected by the csupervisor教程ommisupervisor是什么级别ssion.
Articlions读音le 29&nsupervisor教程bsp; The boarsysteminfod of supervisors has the right to interpret this system.
Article 30. The term “Hong Kong Lions Club” refers to the Shenzhen Lions Club. The “above” referred to in this system includes this amount; “Over” does not contain the value.

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