Shenzhen Lions Club organization service team financial secretary responsibility and practice training

Shenzhen Lions Club organization service team financial secretary responsibility and prfinancial什么意思actice training
Lions Cl深圳疫情ub shenzhen held its financial, secretarial and prsecretaryactical training foresponsibility什么意思中文r 201financial times8-2019financial condition翻译 in the Lions Club officfinancial怎么读e in Shenzhen from August 30 to 31. Mr. Ma Min, 2018-2019 President of Lions Club Shenzhenclub是什么酒, Mr. Tian Wangxing, former President, Mr. Zeng Shiyang, Secretary General, Mr. Luo Jinsong, Treasurerresponsibility形容词形式, Mr. Rong Jing, Deputy Secretary General and lectcluburer leader, Mr. Li Descan, chairman of the Financial Steering Committee of Lions Club Shenzhen, Mr. Fang Mansong, Mr. Wang Danya, Deputy lecturers, Lecturers Chen Shijun, Su Youhua, Huang Xuelan,serviceman Luo Junping, Xiongservice是什么意思 Jun, Li Chunchang, Tang Qing, etc. led shiyou and more than 40 financial staff and more than 70 secretaries from various servicsecretary翻译e teams to participate in tteams手机版he trainorganization动词形式ing. The training was conducted by Fang Mansong.
In thsecretary什么意思翻译e finateambitionncial training, all students had an interesting ice-breaking activity under the leadership of rong Jing, making everyone fsecretary什么意思中文amiliar with each other in a happy atmosphere.
Chen Shijun, the lecturer, conducted a comprehensive and systematic training from the framework, principles and focus of financial manageorganization动词形式ment, fiservice怎么读nancial responsibilities and pfinancial是什么意思英语ractices, and service expenses, so that everyone could clearly define their own responsibilities and positioningfinancial times. Zhou Xiuyuan, fiservice怎么读nancial director of the district council, explained the financial reimbursement process and common problems in a comprehensivresponsibility怎么读e and detailed way, whiresponsibility用法搭配ch greatly benefited everyone.
Luo Jinsong, chiorganizationef Financial Officer, stressed the importance of finanlions翻译cial training, hoping to build an efficient mechanism through this training, improve the communication efficiency between the service team and the dresponsibility什么意思istrict council, and layservice的名词 a solid foundation for this year’s work. At the same tifinancial的名词me, he reiterated the question of dual-cost management of the service.
Mrorganization怎么读.financial是什么意思英语 Wang Tian, the last prresponsibility是可数名词吗esiresponsibilitydent of Lions Club, pointed out that each service team sfinancial是什么意思英语hould attach importresponsibility翻译ance to the financial work, solve the problems left over from the financial history as soolions翻译中文n aorganization动词形式s possible, and make the financisecretary-generalaserviceablel work transparentclub怎么读 and transparent in accordance with the relevant financial regulations of Lions Club.
Secretary training, Wang Danyfinancial是什么意思英语a, deputy head of the team led students to do ice breteambitionaking games. Secretary General Zeng Shiyang sumlions翻译中文marized the “Lion service noclubrms 18 questionsservice翻译“, explained from the domestic characteristics of lions club, foreign exchanges, publicity, standard title, service activities and financial management, and made a detailed analorganization是什么意思ysis and explsecretary什么意思中文anation of the non-standard behavior in lion service work.
Lecturer Huang Xuelan conducted the training from the aspects of the role positioning, main job responsibilities, common tools and practice of the secrefinancial timestary. Su Youhua, the lecturer, focused on the practical operation process of lion cooperation systeclubmedm.
In the free discussion, the finance and secretary of each service team actively shared the classlions英语怎么读ic case of lion service work of the service team and introduced the relevant working experience.
President Ma Min pointed out that secretary and financial training is the most important part of the annual training. Secretarial and financial worlionsgatek is the core of lions club operaclubmed官网预订tion. each servicelions的音标 team shoulservicemand standardize sesecretary翻译cretarial and financial work to gather team strength and transmit positive energy. Ssecretary翻译he encouraged everyone to work together to consolidate the foundation ofsecretary什么意思翻译 lionsorganization的用法 Club and build its credibility.
[Text] Zhou Wenguang
[Photo] Zhou W深圳市最新疫情enguang
[Editor] Ma Huijualions翻译n Lin Yanfen
[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Offinancial和economic的区别fice

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