Wutong Mountain Service Team: The inaugural ceremony of the 2018-2019 election was held smoothly

Wutong Mountain Service Team: The inaugural ceremony of the 2018-2019 election was held smoteamsothly
On August 24, 2018, the inaugurelection是什么意思al ceremony of wutong Mountain Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club was successfully held in wutong Village snacks Street, Luohu District. Shenzhen lions and 2018-2019 President Ma Min Zheng Degang, former President of wu xm, jin-liang wang, secretary general Zeng Shi, long picket Peng Daojian, chairman of the zone Liao Ronghui, NieXiangDceremony怎么读ong, Du Peng Tan Fei, guang-xi Chen, chairman of the painaugural是什么意思rtition, sm long-term step, wutong mountain service enti吴彤re lion friends and loving people and more无痛胃镜多少钱一次2021 than 130 people attended the ceremony. Thmountain怎么读语音e ceremony was chamountain是什么意思ired by Lai Fuxiang and presided over by Li Qingceremony同义词hua.
Ms. Lai gave a speech of welcome and solemnly intservice怎么读roduced the guestsceremony的名词 attendimountain翻译ng the ceremony.
Lu Zhouquan, the former leader of Wutong Mountain Serviinaugural addressce Team, summed up the work in 2017-2018 andteamo reviewed key projects such as “the most belection中文eautiful Sanitation Worker”, “Guangxi Fengshan Bright Trip” and “Oct Wetland Park Volunteer”. She especially thanked the shiyou who made great contribution to wutong Mountain Service team last year. 2梧桐花017-2018 Finance Peng Yanling made a summary of the financteamviewerial work and reported the income and expenditure of membership dues, administrative expenses, service expenses and other expenses.
Lu Zhou无痛胃镜多少钱一次2021quan, the former captain of the company, awarded the “Outstandin吴彤g Contribution Award” aninaugural addressd other awards, including the “Love Ambassador Award”, to commend the li吴桐on friends of the Wutong Mountain Service Team and the carinelection怎么读g people who support the team.
At the handover ceremony, wi吴彤导演tnessed by the leaderelection翻译 Lion friend, Lu Zhouquan handed over the team leader ribbon and scepter to Chen Lili. Thservice翻译e two cteams会议aptains exchanged gifceremony的音标ts and flinaugural address翻译中英对照owers.
Team leader Lily Chen expressed her heartfelt gratitude to team leader Lu Zhouquan, and thanked the guests and friends of lions who participated in the preparation and spomountain翻译nsorship for the ceremony. She is particularly grateful to hmountain的形容词er mother peng Yanling,ceremony的名词 the founding leader of the Wutong Mountain无痛胃镜多少钱一次2021 Service Team, for her inspiring teachings. Captain Chen Lili introduced the meaning of the emblem of wutong Mouinaugural address翻译中英对照ntain seelection怎么读rvice team,无痛胃镜多少钱一次2021 and said that she wceremony造句outeamsld lead the lioteambitionn friends to focus on the service projects such as helping the disabled and carrying out bright action, acti梧桐一叶落vely participservice是什么故障灯ate in the join梧桐树t service, do a good job in the development and retention of members, and serve the society.
Later, under the leadership of Chairman Liao Ronghui, the new team members took the oath of ofteamworkfice and solemnly took office.
In her speech, President Ma Min acservice翻译knowledged the 12 years’ dedication and contrimountaineeringbution of thteamoe Wutong Mounceremony复数形式tain Service Team, thanked all the leaders for their continuous inheritance and innovation, and thanked allteam什么意思 the lion friends for their love and support. She hopes that the Wutongservice翻译 Mountain serviceremony和celebration的区别ce team will continue to write a new chapter under the leadership of Captain Lily Chen. She also said that in the New Year, sserviceablehe will learn, take responsibility and make progresceremony的音标s together with the leaders of the service teams, and contribute her wisdom and strength to the sustainable development of lions Club.
Conference president Lai Fuxiang delivered a speechinaugural address of appreciation. Leading lion friends together on stage toasts.
At the party, Mr. Wan吴桐g Xiaolu, the charity ambassador of Love, played chairman MAO inelection是什么意思 the special program, wmountainhich made us feel mor梧桐雨e friendly. All lielection是什么意思on members of the Wutong Mountain Service team sponsored gifts and cash respectively, which added a lot of festive atmosphere to the lucky draw. Finally, all lions celebratedteams会议 the birthday of the former leader of the Mile Melectionile Service teateambitionm, Mr. Tam Siu-limountainsn, in a joelectionyous and warm atmospheservicebioreceremony同义词.
Article/photo Contributed by Wutong Mountain Service Team

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