Let the concept of ecological and environmental protection become the common heritage of all lion friends — The Environmental Protection Service Committee organized and carried out the oct Wetland volunteer service training

Let the concept of ecological environmental protection become the common heritage of all lion friends
— The Environmental Protection Service Cletstalkommittee orprotection翻译ganized training programs for OCT wetland volunteers
On the afternoon of December 8, undecommonly翻译rconception请为我生孩子吧 the organization of shenzbecome的延续性动词hen Lions Club Eheritage怎么记忆nvir龙江ecologicalonmental Protection Sletervice Committee, Ma Min, president of Shenzhen Liheritageons Club 2018-2019, Li Xiang, chairman of District 13 and executive Chairman of GST, Chairman Wanletterg Bo aecological和ecologic的区别nd Executive Chairman Li Junfeng of envirobecome的延续性动词nmental Protecheritage形容词tion Service Committee led more than 20 service team leaders and lion friends to participate in the wenvironmentalist翻译etland volunteer service training in OCT National Wetland Park inheritage动词 Nanshan Denvironmentally-friendlyistrict.
Froconcepts是什么牌子m September 2017 to November 2018, Shenzhen Lions Club had 58 service teams, and 1,1environmental怎么读的23 lion friends participatconceptioned in wetland voluenvironmental怎么读的nteer service, with moservice翻译re than 36,000 people serving for 4,413 hours. In order to let more lion friends know about the wetland, get clletter是什么意思ose to the wetland, and deeply participservice是什么意思中文翻译ate in the wetland operation service, the executive team of wetland Park of Shenzhen Lions Club Environmental Protection Service Committee aenvironmentallynd OCT Wetland Nature School jointly held this servicebecome是什么意思 training at the proposal of President Ma Min. The theritage动词raining was strongly supported by meng Xiangwei, the pcommonalityrincipbecome后面接什么词性al of wetland Nature School.
First of all, President Wang Bo introducedprotection手表使用说明 the vocommon翻译lunteer service of the lion friends inbecome是什么意思 OCT Wetland Park. Mr. Meng introduced the basic sitheritage的意思uation and innovative ideasletstalk of wetlands. Oct Wetland is the only coastal mangrove wetland located in the hinterland of modern metropolis in China. It is tprotection怎么读he first national Wetland Park projectenvironmentalists declareecological和ecologic的区别d by Shenzhen and the smallest wetland park in China. It is a miniature high-quality migratory bird habitacommont.
Mr. Zhangbecome的过去分词 junxin introduced the innovatconcept翻译ive model of wetlservice怎么读ands through the short film “Reed Continent”. Mr. Dai Xing explained the common sense and service standheritage可数吗ards olet’s后面的动词用什么形式f wetlandcommon翻译 servicheritage怎么读es. Throenvironmentally-friendlyugh the game “Hug the tree”, Miss Rose made people more harmbecomesonious and made the clletterassroom full of laughter and warm. Ms. Lu Wanlin introduced the ecological exhibition hall in detail, sbecome后面接什么词性howing the past and present life of OCT National Weservice是什么意思中文翻译tland Park.
President Ma Min shared her experience of visiting Hong Kong Lionsecological和ecologic的区别 Club anecologicallyd introduced the Nature Education Center of Hong Kenvironmental怎么读的ong Lions Club, hoping to make the wetland volunteer service project better together with all lions club membersenvironmental是什么意思.
Thanks to the teachers of Wetlandcommon Nature Sbecome是系动词吗chool for their hard work and viviheritage怎么读d explanation. Thanks to the lion friends for actively participating in the tprotectionsraining activities and signing ubecomesp for volunteer service. The formation of environmental protection habits, the establishment of environmental awareness, andheritage可数吗 the publicity of environmental protection concepts depend on long-term and unremitting input and participationprotection手表. We look forward to more nature-loving lion friends joining the wetland volunteer service anprotection是什么意思d praenvironmental是什么意思cticing environmental protection concepts together by wservice怎么读earing green vests.
Huang Junping
【 Photo 】 Dai & NBSP; apricot
[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen
【 Typeseprotection翻译tting 】 Yang & NBSP; hin
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Offenvironmental怎么读的ice

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