Notice of publication on the Working Rules of Shenzhen Lions Club (Revised)

Notice of publication on the Working Rules of Shenzhen Lions Club (Revised)
After deliberation by the fifth Board of Dclubmanirectors of Lions Club Shenzhen in 2017-2018, the revised Rules of Lions Club Shenzh深圳市最新疫情en and the revised explanation ofnotice的固定搭配 the Rulerevise的意思s of Lions Club Shenrules英语作文zhen were adopted. The working Rules of Lions Club Shenzhen (Revised) annotice的固定搭配d the revised explanation of working Rulrevised翻译es of Lions Club Shenzhlions英语怎么读elions翻译中文n are hereby published.
Publicitynoticeable time: Apr. 2 – Apr. 8, 2018
Such as t深圳疫情最新消息heRevised notes on the Working Rules of Lions Club Shenzhen (Revised) and the working Rules of Lions Club Shenzhen (revised)If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to深证指数 szlions_purules怎么读b@163.clions是什么意思om during the publicity period. Tel: 0755-256881lions翻译中文95, fax: 0755-25688900.
Appendix 1: Working Rulesnotice翻译 of Shenrevise的意思zhen Lions Club (revised version)
Appendix 2: Revision of the Rules of Shenzhen Lions Crevised翻译lub

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