Hyatt Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2017-2018

Hyatt Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2017-2018
On July 22, 2017, the first regular meeting of The year 2017-2018 of Shenzhen Lions Club Huayue Service team was held at the 3rd floor of Tianfirst翻译成中文tian Fishing Port, Futian District. Lei KHD, chairman of Distregular的所有形式rict 2, Lin Yuqi, Chairman of District 16, Liu Jianming, Executfirsthandive Chairman of Environmental Seteam什么意思rvices Committee, 16 people attended the meeting, including 2017 — 2018 Huayue Service Team captain Cui Xianfeng, first vice captain Wang Chang, second vice captain Huang Maomen, third vice captain Huang Minregular什么意思, formfirst青年电影展er captain Dengheld过去式和过去分词 Jun, secretary Liu Bin, finance Hao Ting and so on. The meeting was chaired by Cui Xianfeng.
At the meeting, Mr. Lui gave lion club members a training session, explaimeetingsning the responhyatt凯悦sibilities of the club council and lions cteamslub knowledge.
The regular meeting deliberated and approved the budget of the special Olympics bregular翻译owling match on July 20 and the guizhou self-learning action of Sino-Han Service Team on July 29.
At the meeting, Chairman Lei KHD anserviceabled Chairman Liu Jianmingservice怎么读 donated 2000 yuan of administrative funds tmeeting的音标o Huayue Service Team respectively.
Finally, in a warm and harmonious atmhyattconnect登录osphere, we exchange feelings and enhance friteamviewerendship. The first regular meeting of The yeafirst怎么读r 2017-2018 of Huayue Service Team is successfully coteamsncluservice是什么意思ded!
Article/photo Contributed by Huayue Service Team

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