The 2017-2018 Founding Team training camp and guiding Lion Group internal training of Shenzhen Lions Club was successfully held

The 2017-2018 Founding Team training camp and guiding Lion Group internal training of Shenzhen Lions Club was successfully held

On November 9, 2017, thteamproe 2017 — 2018 Founding training camp and lionslion的中文意思 Guide training of Shenzhetraining是什么牌子n Lions Club was held in the Green Appltraining造句简单e Center of Wutong Mountain Art Town, Luohu Disgroupby函数trict.

In the morning, Li Feng, the head of the lions club, presented the first class “Lions Club in Chinlionsa” to the participants, focusing on the characteristics of lions clubs btraining造句简单oth at home and abroad. He introduced the organizational structure of liongroupss clubs and summarized the uniqueness of lions clubsgroup的用法. Li Feng believes that a贵定天气预报lthough many lions have already heard this course, it is very impcampwithmomortant for a qualified team leader to grasp solid basic knowledtraining翻译中文ge, to firm belief, build a good team alions英语怎么读nd manlions英语怎么读age the team.

After the wonderful lesson, the students buried themselves in their “class assignmentgroupie” – writiteams手机版ng down the purpose of the team preparation meeting. Later, Zhang Jinghua, Wang Daoming and Ning Chunxu, three deputy heads of delegation, announced the stancampbuddy黑猴子官网dard answers and gave detailed explanations. After the ctraining是什么意思英语ompletion of the work, Vice leader Chicfounding和foundation区别kering explained the newcampaign teamlionel establishment ceremony process and matters needing attentioteambitionn.

In the afternoon, Vice leadecampfirer Wang Cheng shared thlion的音标e course “Building an Extraordinary Team”. In class, we communicated with each otrainingpeaksther, pooled our wisdom, defined the characteriscamp是什么意思英语tics of the heaguidinglth service team, and deeply understood the importance of the hfoundingealthylions英语怎么读 development of the establitraining翻译中文shment of the health service team for building an extraordinary team.

In the free discussion stage, the studetrainingnts shared the problems existing in the service team and the problems and puzzles they met inteams会议 the process of规定纳税人的住房租金标准有几档 founding the team. The leaders listened carefully and ateamonalyzed the reasons for ttraining是什么意思英语he problems raised one by one. The trainees said that theteams手机版y beguiding翻译nefited a lot. Durtrainingpeaksintraining怎么读g the training, they not only mastered systematic and detailed knowledge and skills of team creaticampbuddyon, but also could communicate and analyze with others, which further improved their team creation ability.

Ma Min, the first vice president of ccPIT Xiamen, encouraged the guigroup是什么意思de lions and students and gave gifts to them. She thanked the lion guides for their hard work and was moved by the spirit of the lion friends who took time out of their busy schedule tfounding怎么读o attend the training and concentrate on learning. She believes that the training camp will play an important role in helping the team leader strainingtandardize the process of team creati贵定天气预报on aguiding翻译nd promoting the healthy development of the new Service team. Only the healthteam什么意思 and vigroup造句tality of the new service team can help Shenzhen Lions club go further and do better service and public welfare!

Ma Min, the first vice President of The ligroup是什么意思ons Club of Shenzhen for 2017-2018; Li Feng, deputy Secretary General and leader of the Guide Lion Clugroup是什么意思b; Lei Qing-mingroup怎么读音g, chairman of the second Distriteamct and COORDINATgroup造句简单OR of GMT Shenzhen; Wan Chaolgroupby函数in, Chairman of theteams手机版 fifth District and deputy leaderlions英语怎么读 of the Guide Lion Club; Huang Shaofang, chairman of the 14th District; Chen Jie, chairman of the new tgroup怎么读音eam development Committee, Li Chgroupby函数unchang, exefounding是什么意思cutive chairman of the brand Service Committee, Zhou Fuhui, executive chairman of the traffic Cigroup造句简单vilization Committee,campbuddy Wateamviewerng Cheng, Ning Chunxu, Wang Daoming, Qi Kelin, Zhang Jinghua and other more than 40 pgroup造句简单eople participated in the activitiegroup造句s. The activity was chaired by Li Feng and Qi Ying.

【 Text 】 Jin Jing

[Photo] Jin Jing

[Editor] Ma Huijuan, Lin Yanfen

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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