Fun development and Intensive Study — The first Vice Captain development and Study Party of lions Club of Shenzhen 2017 — 2018 was successfully held

Focus on studying
— The first Vice Captain development and Study Party of Lions Club of Shenzhen was successfully held in 2017-2018
From December 23 to 24, 2017, the Firsvice中国t Vice Captain development and Study Party of Shenzhen Lions Club for 2017-2018 was successfully held in Shfun怎么读enzhen New Long March Nationstudy怎么读al Defense Education Base. 63 first vice captains of service teams participated in the actiparty怎么读英语vity, and Ma Min, the first vice Prvicenesident of lions Club of Shenzhen 2017-2018, attenlionsgateded the interactfirst翻译ion.
At noon on the 23rd, the first vice captains took pains to divide into three rows to have a picnic near the base and carry out the “cooking action” respectively. In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, they enhanced the understanding betwelion是什么意思en each other and enhanced the spirit of teamwork. After dinner, three rows of “soldiers” immediately ready to go, began to expand activities. Under the strictstudy第三人称单数 training of the instructors, the “soldevelopmentdiers” were trained ovlions读音er and over again in the formation movements such as turning at a fixed point, marking time and marching infundamental step. The “soldiers” chants rang out and morale was high.
After thfirst青年电影展e tense expansion, the first vice captains carried out “Pearl Travel thousands of miles”, “inspiring people” andfundamental other interesting and test team cooperation ability of small games. Lion friends in the difficult team game “graduation wall”, wilionsgatelling to sacrifice themselves,study怎么读 achievement team. ‘Who will be the pier? “I’ll do ifirstname填姓还是名t! One lion came outfun是什么意思 first, lying on the wall, then the second, the third… The ladder was soon made, and the rest of the liolions英语怎么读ns climbed up the wall, stepping olion是什么意思n their shoulders. As time went by, lion friends gathered their wisdom, united and cooperated, supportedfirstname填姓还是名 each other, raised their hands and carried theistudy和learn的区别r shoulders, constantly creafirstname填姓还是名ting miracles. Only half an hour later, theypartynextdoor all climbed over thcaptain翻译e 4 meter high wall and successfully compcaptaindarkleted tparty模式he ultimate tesintensive是什么意思t of the quallionsity development training. They do not give up easily without a word of complaint, showing the indevelopment怎么读dofunmitable lion spirit.
Lstudyingions 24 seminars, shenzhen 2017-2018 President tian wanvicetone的歌曲g presence instruction, he Shared his military careercaptain怎么读, for the first vice captain’s performance istudy和learn的区别n the promotional activities said sure, hope that we will extfirsthandend the team spirit is applied to the lions, service work, continuously improve yourselfirst怎么读英语f, become the leader of a great lion. Zhang Shijun, the head of the lecture group, gave us a wonderful course on “The Road to succpartyesfirstlys of excellent Captains”. Mastudy和learn的区别 Min, the first vice President, explained the course “Our Three strengths” and callefirstd on lion friends to continuously promotefuneral servilions的音标ce with tparty复数he strength of “we”, thefirst翻译成中文 strength of action and the strength of service.
This developcaptain翻译ment actifirst青年电影展vity is a catharsis of every lion fcaptain怎么读riend’s heart, so that they learn to take responsibility in the experience, so that they fully realize thaintensive和intenset tcaptain音标hvicetonee same piece of iron can be sawing, melting and loss, but also can be refined into steel; The sdevelopmentame team canstudying do nothing or achieve great things. The tparty英文意思wo-day activity allowed the first vice-captains to get familiar with each other in a pleasant atmosphere, to improve themselvefirst是什么意思s in the tense development, and to improve their performancelionsgate in the wonderful courses.
[Text] Lin Wenjie
[Photo] Lin Wecaptain泰国演员njie
【 Edit 】 Ma Huijuan & NBSP;
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Clfirst怎么读ub Office

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