More than 600,000 people online and offline “step by step charity” about 16,000 people running for love

The New Year charity network was launched in Xiangmi Park yesterday
More than 600,000 people online and offline “step by step charity” about 16,000 people running for love
Speople可数吗ource: Shenzhen Evening News & NBSP; January 02, 2018
Guests fire a gun to launch the New Year charity onlithanlulane cstep文件用什么软件打开ampaign “Step by stemore是什么意思译p” in Beijing, Jan 1, 2018. Photo by Shenzhen Evening News reporter Feng Mincharity宽容的爱g
At the happy Coast branch, the red uniform of the music brand team was very bright.
Xiangmi Park activity scene, “step by step goocharity宽容的爱d” trotter jumped happily.
For the act of love
Shenzhen Eveninstep是什么意思g News (reporterthanks怎么读 Hu Qionglan Du Ting) The first day of the New Year, good every step. On January 1, “step by stepmoreover是什么意思 to do good” New Year public welfare action nmore thanetwork fragrmoreoverant honey park officially kicked off in fupeople翻译tian, shoffline下载enzhen, baise and hechi, dongguan, zthankedhuhai, and othpeople的复数形式er citizens in the city of hundreds of thousands of runners, in love, together with prpeople的复数形式actice in thecharity heart of love, covers 1025 2018charity怎么读 New Year love action of the care activity started.
Athank total of 1,025 caring activities will be carried out in the 2018 Spring Festival Caring Action
On the mor默认网关ning of Janumoreoverary 1, the Civilization Office of Shenzhen municipmore怎么读ality, the Municipal Love and Care Office of Shenzhen Municipality, shonline shoppingenzhen Evening News, Tencent And other organizations jointly held a New Year charity online campaign in Xiangmi Park in Futian District. Wmoreover是什么意思u Dinghai, Deputy Director of propagonline是什么意思中文翻译anda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Directonlineproxyserveror of Civoffline软件ilization Office of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Yuling, Director of Civilization Dethanks是什么意思英语partment of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Ding Shizhao, Executive Deputy Director of Shenzhen Care Action Organizing Committee Office, Deputy editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Press Group, Editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Evening News, Wu Junjun, deputy leader of guangdong Province’s Second Poverty Alleviation Cooperation Workmore是什么意思ing Group,online滑板 commander of Baise Headquarters, deputy secretary general of Baise city, aoffline是线下的意思吗nd other leaders attended the launching ceremony, and awarded the star of Love plaqueonlinecdzkorg官网 to the caring enterprises and the banner of ten charity charity partners awarded by the Charity Foundatiopeople可数吗n. Wu Dinghai announced the official launch of the third step charity activities.
Dingthan后面加什么 said in hisstepichu二代 speech, according to the “step by step to do good” is the first in the New Year’s damore是什么意思译y New Year incharity宽容的爱 “Interoffline怎么读net + +moreover是什么意思 publistephc health” mode to carry out large compassion aofflinectivity, for two consecutive termsmore是什么意思译 were driven millions of citizens to participate in donating step, the cumulative goodonline翻译 mileage of 11.5 million kilometers, for public welfare donations of more than 3000 ten thousand yuan, become the shmore是什么意思译enzhen love action key brand project.
It is reported that since 2003, Shepeople是可数名词还是不可数名词nzhen hasthank organizedthanlula a caring action every year, launching more than 2stepichu官网5,000 caring activofflineities, cultivating a social fashion of beicharityng enthusiasthanksgivingtic about public welfare, charity and voluoffline是什么意思ntary service activities, and shaping shenzhen’s character as a “citycharity音标 of caring”. With the thmoreover是什么意思eme ooffline怎么读f “Love in Shenzhen, Love in Shenzhen”, the 2018 New Yofflinepromo&needlogin=true&share_idear’s Love Action will focus on 1025 caring activities in seven major sectors iofflinen January and February.
Many places are linkeoffline软件d together for love
With the theme of “The first day of the Neonlinegames22w Year, be good every step of thpeople是可数名词还是不可数名词e way” and the model of “Internet + Health + public welfare”, the New Year’s Day campaign encouronline是什么意思英语ages citizens to get out of their homes and take steps to welcome the New Year with a caring gesture. Cicharity是什么意思tizens’ offline action of love will be turned into online charity money through the Internet donation step platfonline翻译orm, and charity enterprises will donate fundmore的原级s to public welfare projects.
On the morning of January 1st, 12 goffline是线下的意思吗roups such as Shenzhen Evening News, Lucky Copeople币lor Slele, children with lostepnve, Shenzhen Lions Club, Wangjiahuan Agricultural Products Group, Shenzhthan后面加什么en Tianyuoffline下载an Clothing Group and Shenzhen Commercial Association ran for love in Xiangmi Park. The main group ofstep翻译 more than 700 runners ran for love in Xiangmi Park, and the event alspeople翻译o set up eight sub-venues suthankfulch asoffline是线下的意思吗 Window of the World, Happy Coast and Shenzhen Bay. In addition, it also connecoffline是线下的意思吗ts four New Year running events, namely Shenzhestep翻译n International Maratcharity翻译hon, Dapeng New Year Marathonline滑板onpeople的复数形式, Sanuo 2018 New Year Welcome First Run and Shenzhen Wutong Mountain New Year Cross-country Race, and joins the “Stmoreoverep by Step” public welfare matrixpeople是可数名词还是不可数名词, encouragipeople是单数还是复数ng runners to parmore是什么意思译ticipate in the “Step by Stonline翻译eonline怎么读英语p” donation activities while participating in the race. At the same time, this year’s “Step by Step Charity” also synchronized with Baise and Hechi in Guangxi, and connected with Dongguan and Zhuhai in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area New Year Charity run. Overseas students also joined this amore thanction.
Members of the public can make donations before January 15
Tpeople是单数还是复数his year, targeted poverty alleviation has become an important activithankty theme oonline shoppingf “Step by step charityonline是什么意思中文翻译“. “Step by step to do good” commonweal network joint action in the New Year 2018 shenzhen radio, film and television public foundation, tencent charity foundation, shenzhen love action public foundation launched 10 public welfare institutions, such as pmoreover是什么意思ublic welfare donation step, has nearly 20 public welfare projects to raise nearly 20 million yuan, and raise 1000 love for guangxi baise andpeople怎么读 hechi poor package.people可数吗 At the launch ceremony, shenzhen Business Association, Shenzhen Adoonline滑板u Technology Priority Company, Sacharity怎么读nuo Group, Shenzhen Welfare Lottercharity宽容的爱y Distribution Center and other love units made on-site donations.
Januoffline下载ary 1 to January 15, the “step by step to do good” joint together with tencent charity “step by step to do good” public welfare donation step network in the New Year, in adstep是什么意思dition to participate in the action line running running friend, shenzhen citizens can be in the library, bookstore, love business, communitpeople币y servstep翻译ice, etc. 80 offlinemoreover hope punch points, scan the qcharity形容词r code, Participate in online donation and interaction through Wechat Sports, QQ Health, Yijian, etc. Caring coffline是什么意思英语itizens who take more than 1,000 steps per day can participaonlinegames22te in the online activities and donate their steps to the public welfare projeofflinects they support. Caring enterprisonlinecdzkorg官网es will turn the donatoffline怎么读ed steps into charity funds in astep文件用什么软件打开 cermore thantain proportion to joioffline和online区别ntly help shenzhen Caring Action.
According to statistics, as of 8:00 PM on January 1st, more than 600,000 pmore thaneople participated in this “Bu Bu Do Good” online and offline, and about 16,000 people joined the love team, running for love, including eight sub-venues in xiangmi Park main venue.
Shenzhen Evening News “Flower Letter Love” group cecharity的内涵意义lethanks什么意思brates its 24th anniversary with love
“24 fenghua all the way running all the way bloom, Shenzhen Evening News with you step by step good warm watch!” January 1, 2018 is the 24th birthday of Shenzhen Evcharity和love区别ening Nethan后面加什么ws. In this “Step by steonline是什么意思英语p charity” action, nearly 100 employees of Shenzhen Evening News and their families formed the “Flower Letter Love” group to run for love and celebrate the birthday of Shofflineenzhenthank Evening News. With the power of running, we give more hope to life.
As a Chinese saying goes,people是可数名词还是不可数名词 “Flowers have faith in 24 times”. The ancient people regarded the 24 year old ythanks怎么读outh of young men默认网关 and women as the “flower faith time”. Shenzhen Evening News has been in its prime since its imore怎么读nception at 24peoples years old. As the organizer of “Step by Step” New Year charitythan后面加什么 network action fostep翻译r three consecutive years, this year, shthanks什么意思enzhen Evening News leaderpeople是可数名词还是不可数名词s, employees and their families fopeople是可数名词还是不可数名词rmed the “Flower Letter Time” running group. Among the nearly 100 members of the group, there are not only couples, parents, grandparents and grandchcharity形容词ildren, but also employees of the same age as Shenzhen Evening News and their families.
Tong Qiao, deputy editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Evening News, said thmoreat asthanks怎么读 a newsonlinegames22pcharity音标aper focusing on family, society and people’s livelihood, Shenzhen Evening News has been actively practicing its media responsibilimoreoverties, carrying forward its theme and sponlinecdzkorg官网reading positive energy since its incepcharity翻译tion, witnessing shstep文件用什么软件打开enzhen becoming better and better. For 24 years, shenzhen evening news planning fuel action, love many compassion默认网关 public welfare activities, such as red tablecloth and shecharity的内涵意义nzhenstepichu二代 evcharity音标ening news to undertake “step by step to do good” public network in the New Year after 3 years precipitate action, sthankcale more and more big, not only become the shenzhen 2018 New Year love start activities of action, and radiation to the nation, from shenzhen to make more responses to shenzhen city initiative, This is also the reflection of the “warm” spirit of shenzhen Evening News.
Tong Qiao said that on the special d魔人布欧ay of shenzhen Evening News’ 24th birthday, the members of shenzhen Evening News celebrated shenzhen Evenstepsistersing News’ birthday and welcomed the New Year by running for love. “Shenzhen Evening Newpeople是单数还是复数s hopeonlines that by continuously advocpeople是可数名词还是不可数名词atpeople怎么读ing the modelpeople的复数形式 of ‘Internet + health + ppeoplesublic wpeople英语怎么读elfare’, ‘step by stepthan后面加什么 doing good deeds’ will become the nthanks怎么读ew civilized cpeople英语怎么读ustom of Shenzhen people.”
12 hours to let the love non-stop
On the first day of 2018, Shenzhen people are running for love. Shenzhen ZAKER, the media platform of Shenzhen Evening News, created a multi-location public welfare live broadcast room.peoples From 7am to 7pm, love will not stop broadpeoplecasting foffline软件or 12people怎么读 hours. Accordpeople英语怎么读ing to the relevant person in charge of Shenzhen ZAKER, the live broadcast is divided into several channels, including the main venue, Pengma, lov魔人布欧e punch card, live broadcast room interview and other live broadcast rooms, and linked live broadcast with Baise aonline怎么读nd Hecstep文件用什么软件打开hi. As of 7 PMthanks什么意思 on 1st, the number of hits of this live bonlinegames22roadcastcharity音标 has exceeded 1 million.
Among them, the studio interview invited shenonline怎么读英语zhen municipal party committee propaganda department commissioner of cipeoplevilization yu-ling zhang, deputy director of shenzhen love do full-time Chen Li, hope home huan Yu Biao group vice President of agricultural proffline是什么意思英语oductsoffline翻译, shenzhen eveninofflinemapsg news deputy estep是什么意思ditor TongQiao, shenzhen lions supervisorsthanksgiving Chen Zong, shenzhen carinpeople可数吗g action public foundation secretary-general peng was distinguished guests such as intermore thanviews.
“This year is the thionline怎么读rd ‘Step by Step charity’ campaigncharity和love区别, one of the biggest differences is that we went from Shenzhen to the whole country, but also linked with the world.” Caring people can donate their love by walking in parks near their homes or other places suitable for brisk walking and donating their steps, Chen said.
“Step by step charity” facilitates the delivery of support needs to caring organizations
On January 1more怎么读, thmore thane New Year cmore thanharity network extended for the first time to Baise and Hechi in Guangxi, where Shenzoffline是什么意思英语hen is honline是什么意思中文翻译elping each othstepichu二代er, to join hands and raise New Yearthan怎么读的 conline shoppingondolence and dostep翻译nations for poor fmore是什么意思译amilies. Among them, hechi area to participate in the offline love running up to 300 people.
“more thanShenzhenthanks是什么意思英语 is not only athankful caring city, but also an innovative city. In carrying out targetethankd poverty alleviatthan怎么读的ion, shenzhen has fully combinthanlulaed the characteristics of Shenzhen, integrated resources of public welfare organizations, enterprises and other aspects through the Internet platform, and mobilized socpeople翻译iaoffline下载l fooffline软件rces to participate.” Guangonline滑板dong province second cooperation woronlinecdzkorg官网king group deputy head for poverty alleviaonlineproxyservertion, baise battalion commander, baise Wu Junjun, deputy secretary-general of the officpeoplesial said, “stonline滑板ep by step to do good” by “Inthanksgivingternet + + public health” tthanhpeople是单数还是复数e pattern of the poverty-stricken areas, such as poor recipients, information demand, more ccharity是什么意思onvenient and quickly passed to the caring shenzhen citizens, enterprises, public welfare organizations. As indipeople翻译viduals, citizens who understand the needs of poor areas can donate their love and care for their own health while contributing to public welfare.onlineproxyserver
According to Wu Junjun, in the wstep翻译ork of helping Baise and Hechi, in addition to administratthan后面加什么ive and financial support, social forces have also played a full role.than In 2017 alone, Baise and Hechi received mopeople是单数还是复数re than 80 million yuan of materials for social assistance, including educational assistance and mcharity翻译edical assistance, with remarkable rmoreoveresults. In 201offline怎么读8, the poverty alleviation campaigonline滑板n willofflinemaps focus on developing industrsteppedies and relocating to otheofflinepromo&needlogin=true&share_idr places to help poor housethankfulholds get rid of the stigma of being poor.
Ten public welfare organizations helped raise nearly 20 million yuan for targeted poverty alleviation
The “step by step to do good” joint shenzhen radio, film and television public foundation, tencent charity foundation, shenzhen love action public foundcharity是什么意思ation, shenzthanks是什么意思英语hen children and women’s development foundatiothanlulan, one foundation of shenzhen public foundation, the Chinese social assistance foundpeople可数吗ation,step shenzhen chstepichu官网arities, vanke public foundation, social fouthankndation of shenzhen, shenzhen lions launched 10 public welfare institutions, such as male The chthankedarity walk has raised nearly 20 million yuan for more than 20 public welfare projects, and 1,000 love packages for poor families in Baise and Hechi, Guangxi.
Using the Internet and mobile phone apps as tools, citizens donaonlinecdzkorg官网te steonlinecdzkorg官网ps, charitable enterprises donate mthan后面加什么oney, and public welfare organizations convert steps into cash to help public welfare projects — such love triangle is the basic operation mode of “step by step charity”. Forthan后面加什么 threecharity和love区别 constep文件用什么软件打开secutive years, shenzhen Caring Action Public Welfaronline shoppinge Foundapeople怎么读tion has provided high-qualitoffline是什么意思英语y publicharityc welfare projects for “Step by step charity”, and actively sougonlinecdzkorg官网ht for caring enterprises to connect people and realize their love wishes. It is reported that during the current “Step by Scharity翻译tep charity” activity, the foundation launched public welfare projects such as Little Bean e-classroom, Sanuo Smart Classroom, Guangxi Love Education program of Shenzheoffline软件n Federation of Commerce, Guangxi Hechi New Yearstep文件用什么软件打开 poverty Alleviation Gift packagofflinepromo&needlogin=true&share_ide, and Love New Year’s Eve dinneonline翻译r, raising a total of 10.28 million yuan.
More than 600,000 people online and offline “step by step charity” about 16,000 people running for lpeople英语怎么读ove

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