Regarding notice | service transition nominate and elect members on behalf of the lions club in shenzhen the 16th representative assemblies

Regarding notice | service transition nominate and elect members on behalf of the lions cluregardingb in shenzhen the 16th representative assenominate翻译mblieslions翻译中文
Service teams:
According to thregarding的用法e constitution and working rulservice是什么故障灯es of Lions Club Shenzhen, the relevant regumembers翻译lations of Lions Club China and Lions Club International, the 16th Member Congress is schedulinnominateed to be held on April 21, 2018 in combination with the program arrangement of this year’s activities. The election of each service team musnominatedt be completed before the member congress. In order to make good preparations for the 16th Gelions怎么读neral Meeting of the Members, the following notices are hereby issued concerning the election of new members of the Service Team and the election of member representatives of the general Meeting:
I. On the election of the service Corps
Durnotice过去式ing the period from 29th Januarbehalfy to 26th March, each service team wnotice作文ill hold regular meetings and other forms to elect new members.
2. The former team leader should take responsibility for the selection of the new team leader and itservice翻译s members: first, a selection committee should be set up to review the qualifications of the new team leader and other candidates; Themembership翻译 second is to be responsible for organizing and holding a meeting to elect a new service team leaderbehalf造句, team and members.
3. District officeelectrifieds, district chairmen,electronically dibehalf怎么读strict annual conference committees and relevant departmentlion是什么意思中文翻译s should activeltransition的动词y cooperate and guide the service team to dnominate是什么意思中文o a good job in the election of the new term. All nominations should be colions是什么意思mpleted by Mabe halfway to doing sth中文rclionshelectronics是什么意思 2lions是什么意思6 and submitted by each servicbehalf翻译e team secretary to the district council office through the Lions Cooperation system for approval by the standing Council of the District Council.
The work of electing representatives to the general Assembly of the Members
1. Each service team shall comply wiservicemanth the “Resolution on the Election and Qualification of the Member Representatives of the 16th Shenbehalf怎么读zhen Lilions翻译中文ons Club Member Congress”, namely, one official rinnominateepresentative shall be elected foelectr every 15 members of the service team according to the number of members who have actually paid the membership dues and submitted the membership information as of March 26, 2018. If a service team with less than 15 members doesmembership翻译 not have a delegate, one delegate may be sent to attelionsnd thenominated general meeting of the membtransition的动词ers as a non-votinnominate的名词g delegate. The former president, the current district board of directors and the current members of the board of Supervisors are ex officio representatives and do not occupy the quota of representaservice是什么故障灯tives of each service team.
2. In order to ensure full attendance of representatives at the General Assembly, each official representative may elemembership什么意思啊ct a deputy representative. Whenservice翻译 the officregardingial representative is unable to attend the general assemservice的名词bly due to business, he may bservice的名词e replaced by a deputy representative.
3. The list of elected full and Deputy Repserviceresentatives must be subservicemanmitted to the District Council offices by the team secretaries through the Lions Collaboration System by 26 March.
Iii. Arrangements for the Gregarding和abouteneral Assembly of members
1. Meeting time: April 21, 2018 (Saturday) Details to be determined
2. Venue: to be confirmed
3. Partbehalf和benefit的区别icipelectrolux是什么品牌ants: the general assembly elects the preparatory committee, the ex officio representatives of the general Assembly and the annual conference delegates recommended by each service team
4. Mservice和serve的区别ain contents: Review and approve the annual work report and financial work report, and elect 2018-2019 President, last President, first vice President, seconlions是什么意思d vice president, secretary General, director and supervisor, deelectrifiedpubehalf和benefit的区别ty supervisor and supervisor; Review this year’s related billions的音标ls and so on.
5. Dbehalfress: Red club dress
If you have any questioservice是什么意思ns, please contact the office directly. Contact: Wu Meiyelectrifiedun, Li Jiangping, tel: 25688576, 25688590, fax: 2568nominated翻译8900, email:
Notice is herebynotice用法 given.
Wish the lion luck changlong!
1. List of Service Teserviceableam Leaders and memembers markmbers of Lions Club shenzhen 2018-2019 (blank)
2electronics是什么意思. List of service Team representatives to 16th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen (blank)
3. Resolutinotice翻译on on the selection and qualification of member representatives of the 16th Shenzhen Lions Club Member Congress
Shenzhen Lions Club
Tian Wangxing, presideinnominatent of the association for 2017-2018
January 13, 2018

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