Notice on applying for the 2016 Shenzhen List of Charitable Donations

Notice on applying for the 2016 Shenzhen List of Charitable Donations
Dear fellow lions,
The 2016 Shenzhen List of Charitable Donations has been declared! For further implementation of the act of charity, and the State Council on promoting the healthy development of pdonation什么意思hilanthropy guidandonation什么意思ce (guo fa [2014] no.深圳市最新疫情 61) “and” the opinion on accelerating the developmen深圳t of zhuhai charity (deep “, [2008] no. 60) spirit, incentives and recognition support the city’s charlisten的过去式itable public welfare organizations and individuals, to create a good atmosphere of nationwide charity, To better promote the development of charlisten翻译ity and public welfare undertakings in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau carried out the compilation of the 2016 Shenzhen Charitable Donation List. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
(I) List categories
The 2016 Shenzhen List of charitable Donations willistenl introduce three sub-lisnotice是什么意思ts, namely, the list of annual charitable donations by individuals,深圳天气 the list of annual charitablliste donations by enterprises and the深证指数 list of annual donation incnotice作文ome by soci深圳al organizations.
1. Individual annual charitable Donation list: individuals whose annual donation (including monetary donation and incharitable是什么意思-kind donation) reached 10,list背单词000 yuan or more in 2016;
2. Annual Charitable Donation list of enterprises: enterprises whose annual donation (including monetary donation and in-kind donation) reached 100,000 yuan or more深圳疫情 in 2notice的固定搭配016.
3. List of annual donation income of Social organizatlisten的现在分词ions: Soci深圳al organizations whose donation inlisten翻译come (including monetary donation and in-kind donation) reached 1 million yuan or more in 2016.
(2) Selection requirements
Any donation (including monetary and in-kind donation discount) between January 1 and December 31, 2016, in which individuals donate more than 10,000 yuan, enterprises donate more th深圳地铁线路图an 100,000 yuan, social organinotice翻译zations receive more than 1 million yuan, and meet the following conditions深圳 will be included in the corresponding list:
1. Individuals: individuals with shenzhen household registration or residence permilisten的ing形式t donate locally or outside Shenzhen; Donations made locally by indivicharitableduals without shenzhen household registration or reslistidence permit;
2. Enterprises: donated loclisten的ing形式ally or ocharitable是什么意思utside shenzhen by companies registered深圳疫情最新动态 in indulist背单词strial and commercial departments of Shenzhen city or district; Donated to shenzhen by a non-local registerlisten的现在分词enotice过去式d company;
3. Social organizations: social organizations registered in shenzhecharitable是什么意思n mu深圳疫情最新消息nicipal or district civil affairs departments that receive local donatidonations翻译ons or donations from ou深圳风险等级tside the city, and ministerial or prdonationsovincial social organizations with registered addresses in Shenzhen.
(iii) Definition of donation data
Donation data refers to the sum of the money donated by thenotice的固定搭配 donor and the amoun深圳天气t converted into donation in kind. The declaratilisten的ing形式on should be accompanied by one of the following supporting documents:
1. Valinotice的固定搭配d donation bills, ishenzhenncluding: special donation bills issued by legally registered non-profit organizations, inslisten1手机版下载titlist啥意思utions and people’s officials and departments above the county level, receipts with valdonation什么意思id officlisten翻译ialdonation什么意思 seals of the legal receiving units, donation certificharitable是什么意思cates or donation certificates, etc.;
2. Valid agreement signed by both parties (calculated according to the actual amount received);
3. Social organizatio深圳疫情最新消息ns can provide annual repornotice过去式ts, audit reports, public instructions (with official seal) and other materials as supporting documents;
4. If it doesnotice用法 not meet the above reapplyingquirements and there is indeed a dispute, it shall b深圳地铁线路图e discussed and agreed by Shenzhen Charitable Donation List Conotice作文mpilation Office.
(4)charitable是什么意思 Declisten翻译laration methods and channels
T深证指数o recommend and apply for the 2016 Shenzhen List of Charitable Donations, plcharitable是什么意思ease log on to shenzhen Civil Affairs Online or the ofdonationsficial websitcharitable是什么意思e of charity Fairlisten的过去式 (, click on the link of “Shenzhen List of Charitable Donations Online”, do深圳市最新疫情wnload the corresponding form according to your own situation, fill it out and snotice的固定搭配end it back tcharitablyo the official email. The application period is from now until May 31, 2017.
In addition, you can also call orlisten email the Shenlistened怎么读zhen Charitable Donation List Comdonationspilation office to provide deeds, information and clues of caring people and enterpris深圳市最新疫情es so that the compilnoticedation office can collnotice是什么意思ect information.
Contact: 07深圳疫情最新动态55-22314863/223listen翻译14865 Official email: szcsjcdonations是什么意思
Address: No. 1402noticed, Block A, Zhongmin Timdonationses Square, Sungang Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
(v) List release and publicity
1. 2017 Guangdong Poverty Alleviation Dalisten的现在分词y and Shenzhen Charity Day launch ceremony
2. Release of relevant newspapers and periodicals
3.notice作文 Shenzhen Garden Expo Park. Public welfare charity corridor and other large pu深圳疫情最新动态blic plac深圳风险等级es in Shenzhen to深圳市最新疫情 display and promote.
Please refer to the application requirements fo深证指数r qual深圳疫情最新消息ified shiyou and shiyou enterprises, and log on the declaration website to declare.
Officedonations contact: Wu Meiyun 25688576, Ma Huijuan 25688567. Emadonation是什么意思英语ilnotice: szlions_donations翻译
Shenzhelistenn charity donation list, Shenzhen people’s own char深圳市最新疫情ity list! Hope the lion friends pay attention to this activity, actively declare, promlisten的过去式ote the lion spiritnotice的形容词.
Notice is hereby given.
Attachment :(click to download)
1. 2016 Shenzhedonationsn Annual List of Charitable Donations (Ancharitable是什么意思nual List of Individual Donations)
2. 2016 Shenzhen Annual List of Charitlistened怎么读able Donatiolisten的过去式ns (Annual List of Entdonation是什么意思英语erprises)

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