Futian Service Team: held the ninth regular meeting of 2016-2017

Futian Service Team: held the ninth regular meeting of 2016-2017
On April 9th, 2017, the 9th regular meeting of 2016-2017 of Shenzhen Lions Club Futian Service Team was successfully held in the 3rd floor of Shenzhen International Innovation Center, Futian District. Captaregular翻译in Zhangmeeting怎么读英语 Jinlian, former captain Huang Deqing, firstmeeting腾讯会议 vice captain Zhang Jian, third vice captain Gao Zhe, former captain Pan Yingregularityshan, Chen Tninthingwei, Liao Yu, seninth什么意思cretary Hu Wei, finance Hu福田汽车ang Weiping and othemeetingr 35 lion friends attended the meeting. The meeting was presided ovheld的意思是什么er by Zhang Jian.
The meethelding elected the directors of Futian Service Team 207-2018. Afninth英语怎么读ter tregularhe lion friends fair, fair and open vote, 13 lion friends elected Mr Fukuda service director of 2017-2018, they are respectively the captain zhang jian, the previous captain Zhang Jinlian, first deputy captain candy yuen, second deputy captain He Xiying, third vice cninthaptain Gao Zhe, financial secretary伏天记净无痕 hu wei, zhao JieYu, general Ye Shukang, sergeants-at-arms ji dahe, Directorserviceable Li Li, Huang Weiping, Sa Rina, Liang Zmeeting是什么意思中文翻译hipeng.
Congratulations to the new board of governors of Futian Service Team, and I look forward to further achievements of Futian Service Team under the leaninth还是nineth区别deregular什么意思rship of the new board.
By Hu Weiheld的中文意思

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