Shekou Service Team: held the sixth regular meeting of 2016-2017

Shekou Service Team: held the sixth regular meeting of 2016-2017

On March 12, 2017, the sixth regular meeting of Shekou Servregularly意思中文翻译ice Team of Sh蛇口招商enzhshekouenservice Lions Club wasmeetingyou是什么意思 held in the conference room of Sheteams手机版nzhen Oriental Sunshine Education Development Co., LTD. Shekou Service team captain Ma Xiaodan, first vice captain Houteam是什么意思翻译 Xiuting, second vice captain Lu Jinxiong, third vice captain Jiang Ling, finance Sun Yannan, picketing Ma Wuzhong, quasi-lion friend Zhang Xiao andmeeting的音标 other 7 pregularityeople attended the meeting. The meetinregularityg was chaired by Lu Jinxiong.

Captteamsain Marchaudan reported and summarized the spemeeting怎么读英语cific situation of “Sunshine Talents” Student asixthlyssistance activities in Guilin. At prheld中文esent, it is initially detersixth翻译mined that the project will continue to serve for 3 years, with Dong Zhijin as the chairman of the project. Atsixth the same time, I would like to thank Sun Yannan for hheldener persistence in hosting the whole evteamviewerent, and Dong Zhijin for her opinions on the “Sunshine Talents” Guilin Student aid activity. Hou Xiutisixth读音ng and Lu Jinxiong respectively reported the specific implementation plan of “Peace Poster” and “Dequ Book Bmeetingsar” project. Jiang Ling Shijie said that she would contiteamsnue to make adequate preparasixth读音tions for each service team meeting and fully coregularoperate witregularh the service activities.

The meeting announced the arrangement of four activities including “Dequ Book Bar” in Shanwei, “Red Action”, “Caring shenzhen Art School for the Deaf”, “Campus Charity Walk for Vision Prevention and Control” and campus action launch ceremony of Warm Project. Conveyed the spserviceirit of the document on the selectiheld怎么读的on of the member representatives oteam什么意思f the 15th Lions Club congress of Shenzhen and the election of the nupheldew council members of the Service T蛇口招商eam for 2017-2018. Finance Sun Yannan, sister Shi, reported the financial situation and budget ofsixth翻译 the service team in the last three mo蛇口集装箱nths.

At the end of the meeting, Captain Marchaudan awarded the letter of appointment ateams会议s the chairman of “Gu蛇口招商ilin Sunshine Talents” project to Dong Zhijin.

By Du Shaoheng

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